A3Wasteland is a survival sandbox mission for Arma 3 where two teams and independent players fight for survival. Built in collaboration between GoT, TPG, KoS, 404Games, and others.
I want to fix a issue with some code I added to r3f to prevent releasing objects in water. I'm having problems defining some objects I want to allow. Here's a link to the original that works. I just cant figure out how to define the object variable in some new code.
if ((surfaceIsWater position player) && !({_objet isKindOf _x} count ["ReammoBox_F", "SDV_01_base_F", "Rubber_duck_base_F", "Scooter_Transport_01_base_F", "Boat_Civil_01_base_F", "Boat_Transport_02_base_F"] > 0)) exitWith {
["You can only place objects on terra firma", 5] call mf_notify_client;
R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou = false;
I want to fix a issue with some code I added to r3f to prevent releasing objects in water. I'm having problems defining some objects I want to allow. Here's a link to the original that works. I just cant figure out how to define the object variable in some new code.