A3M4 / YouTube-Report

:bar_chart: Generate a personal YouTube report from your Google Takeout data
MIT License
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Add to gitignore #16

Closed mkd1997 closed 4 years ago

mkd1997 commented 4 years ago

Added file and directory to gitignore so that personal data of any developer who runs the project is not committed.

SetZero commented 4 years ago

Wouldn't that cause that "Images/LOGO.png" and "Images/red.png" are ignored? I would suggest to separate generated images from these static images. For example we could move all generated images to "Images/generated" and then ignore this folder.

A3M4 commented 4 years ago

SetZero is right. For brevity's sake, you could just write "Images/LOGO.png" and "Images/red.png" into .gitignore like: Images/* !Images/LOGO.png !Images/red.png

mkd1997 commented 4 years ago

Yes, both of you are right. I will do as suggested by @A3M4