A3M4 / YouTube-Report

:bar_chart: Generate a personal YouTube report from your Google Takeout data
MIT License
636 stars 64 forks source link

It seems like the new format of playlist likes is in .csv #42

Open User1391 opened 2 years ago

User1391 commented 2 years ago

File "report.py", line 22, in from parse import HTML File "C:\Users\XXXXXX\Downloads\YouTube-Report-master\YouTube-Report-master\parse.py", line 48, in raise OSError("Required directories do not exist: %s"%(missing)) OSError: Required directories do not exist: ['C:\Users\XXXXXX\Downloads\YouTube-Report-master\YouTube-Report-master\Takeout/YouTube/playlists/likes.json']

WHMaxou commented 1 year ago

it is, A3M4 or someone else has to update the script, and the name of the Takout/YouTube/ file, which as turned into "Takeout/YouTube and YouTube Music"