A3Wasteland / ArmA3_Wasteland.Altis

A3Wasteland is a survival sandbox mission for Arma 3 where two teams and independent players fight for survival. Built in collaboration between GoT, TPG, KoS, 404Games, and others.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Database setup instructions needed for player saving #105

Closed MudBone closed 9 years ago

MudBone commented 10 years ago

We have been trying to get player saving to work for A3 Wasteland..with no success. Does anyone have a link to setting this up? The mission loads and it indicates its waiting to load player data but never does as if its not connecting the Wasteland Mission to inidb.

It looks like all the calls in the mission for inidb are in place and I have set this to true in the init.sqf:

enableSaving [true, true];

inidb is installed from the original package into the root folder on the server.

Any help or links to setup instructions are appreciated.

YahPager commented 10 years ago

http://forums.a3wasteland.com/index.php?topic=87.0 http://forums.a3wasteland.com/index.php?topic=33.0 http://forums.a3wasteland.com/index.php?topic=31.0 and more on A3wasteland forums other ppl including myself have had issues with this process.

HeadWord commented 10 years ago

There are points in the default scripts you have to trigger to get full player saving to work using the iniDB module. in the /config.sqf file https://github.com/A3Wasteland/ArmA3_Wasteland.Altis/blob/Development_main/config.sqf Line 67 config_player_saving_enabled = compileFinal "0";

then in the wasteland settings main_config.sqf since it was moved out of the pbo file https://github.com/A3Wasteland/Release_Files/tree/master/A3Wasteland_settings main_config.sqf Lines 18 and 19 A3W_baseSaving = 0; // Save base objects between restarts (0 = no, 1 = yes) - requires iniDB mod PDB_ServerID = "any"; // iniDB saves prefix (change this in case you run multiple servers from the same folder)

If these changes are made in the default code and you have configured your server correctly player saving works. Any changes to the player functions or on death functions files can break player saving because if something is executed in the wrong order inidb will cause the game to tweak out and spam errors of player not found.

@MudBone Check to see if you have the the A3W settings folder in the root of your server and the changes above are made as well. https://github.com/A3Wasteland/Release_Files/tree/master/A3Wasteland_settings

mawendt commented 10 years ago



Stat systems save. Cheers. whiskey

HeadWord commented 10 years ago

@mawendt That is a good stat system but i think he is trying to get the one that is built into the A3Wasteland to work without crashing his server.

MudBone commented 10 years ago

It was a typical boneheaded manuever on our part. We hadn't added @inidb to our startup commands for the server. DOH!

A followup question....

I noticed several of the wasteland servers are running missions with none of the server files in their mission pbo package. This has a nice effect on two fronts. It keeps people from ripping off your mission and it makes the download of the mission smaller for the end user.

If you know how this is being done I would appreciate some help and instruction as we would like to do this on our servers.


AgentRev commented 10 years ago

Those are Sa-Matra's servers, he coded his mission that way, honestly the PBO size reduction (300 KB) is not worth the time it would take to reorganize the whole file structure for A3Wasteland.

I don't care if people rip off the mission, in fact I want them to do so, as it is licensed under GPL v3, we are allowed to merge back in anything that is added by anyone to the mission into the main code. This is called "open source".

MudBone commented 10 years ago

Its not only Samatras servers. There is a version of A3 wasteland I think..called Masterwasteland that is doing the same thing.

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

s3kShUn61's Master Wasteland is a derivative of GoT Wasteland v2, upon which A3Wasteland is also based. They most likely removed server code from the PBO to keep it as an exclusive.

MudBone commented 10 years ago

Yup... and I'm wondering how to do that

Sp4wN7 commented 10 years ago

Player save is actually pretty simple, one can make it more complicated than it really is. The only code that needs to be changed inside the pbo is base saving needs to equal "1" and player save needs to equal "1". I'm not sure why people even play on Samatra's servers. A big bag of potatoes for money, food etc... The entire mod looks horrible in my opinion. Yet people still flock to it to sell crates at the gunstore...

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

Sa-Matra's servers became popular, because people wanted to keep playing Wasteland and we weren't able to release a stable version in time for the game's release, which was further slowed down by our reduced involvement due to busy lives. GoT and 404 Wasteland were the majority during alpha and beta, but Sa-Matra came forward with a clean release and a nice UI, and expanded his number of servers when the game got out, so we lost our foothold.

I don't think A3Wasteland will ever be able to regain the majority even with a clean v1 release, but re-establishing an appreciable playerbase would definitely be neat. I don't know if Sa-Matra's has territory capture and vehicle stores, but those are definitely a plus for us.

Sp4wN7 commented 10 years ago

Yeah, you all did a nice job on just the pre-release, I've been hosting it for a while and have some regulars, including our small circle of friends. I've mentioned a couple of bugs already, but they're really not big bugs. I figured what you said was the case, he just got a clean release at the right time. It's not the best though, this version is far cleaner in its organization. I've looked at the Sa-Matra pbo file for altis and it's pretty disorganized. Then again I think the mission.sqm file is in Russian, so I can't even decipher it.

The Sa-Matra server has no territory capture and no vehicle stores. Perhaps I missed it but I can't seem to find a vehicle store in the 0.9f release. It would be nice if I could activate it on the server. Also some of the territories do not dish out loot to the capturing player, even more of a plus would be if the loot was given to everyone within the player's group. It would really drive home the unity of effort within wasteland. Another definite plus would be for the next version to have a simple revive system utilizing medic supplies. Torndeco was working on one I believe. Also, an ammo truck and fuel truck mission to enable capture of refueling and rearming mechanisms for captured tanks or armed helo's.

A3wasteland's aesthetics win by a long shot. And we're pushing our server and the mod pretty heavy in the forums.

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the comments.

The vehicle stores are currently turned off because all the code was client-sided, which doesn't work well with BattlEye. I've already fixed everything and converted it to server-side, but I only plan to add it in the v1 release.

The territory capture issues were fixed in v0.9f Hotfix 1, but I think I didn't update the PBO in the release files.

Sa-Matra's PBOs are not really intended for viewing by humans; everything is compressed and obfuscated to deter plagiarism, and all the server stuff is loaded externally.

Sp4wN7 commented 10 years ago

AgentRev, I ran across your name in INS_revive_v0.2.9.Stratis, what's the chance we will see a revive system in the next release? I'm having a difficult time getting one that works installed... Thanks for your help.

Sp4wN7 commented 10 years ago

PS I found a revive that I think you might be interested in implementing, it is very simple and I've added it to our server. There are some bugs upon carrying though, and I am engaging the author for fixes --> https://github.com/Sp4wN7/a3wasteland_v0.9f.altis.git, added it into the description and init files as well as the primary code into the "addons" folder. The revive script can be found here --> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24088.