A3Wasteland / ArmA3_Wasteland.Altis

A3Wasteland is a survival sandbox mission for Arma 3 where two teams and independent players fight for survival. Built in collaboration between GoT, TPG, KoS, 404Games, and others.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Bounty System #14

Open MercyfulFate opened 10 years ago

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

Two main ways of doing it: 1) bounty is based on killstreak 2) players add bounties to other players from their own money.

Maybe implement both and test.

nickludlam commented 10 years ago

3rd way of doing it, as we have on KoS: A player is nominated entirely at random. Its far more simple as there are zero dependencies on any other piece of code.

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

I prefer Mercyful's ideas. Random bounties don't really make much sense, and are disadvantaging for less experienced players.

The first one should be easy to implement, but the second one is gonna be a bit harder, since it needs a UI.

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

yeah, I think the idea of a mission to kill someone is great, but i had a different vision in mind when suggesting this. Maybe both can work together really nicely. A bounty system and a mission that adds a large sum to a players bounty + a map marker.

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

Instead of a map marker, it could be a circle roughly representing the target's location (like the Show on map option when playing in Veteran mode), updated every couple mins.

jrlane commented 10 years ago

In regards to option 2, there could be an addition to the general store/ gun store/ or a whole new store where bounties could be purchased.

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

im not sure if youre confusing bounty's with the chocolate candy xD (purchasing bounty's) :P

jrlane commented 10 years ago

Like what was suggested "2) players add bounties to other players from their own money."

At a store you can use your own money to put up a bounty reward to kill another player (likely with a large minimum purchase to avoid spamming the feature).

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

I wouldn't make this a store purchase.... I would create a GUI that you can open any time where you can add to someones bounty :)

jrlane commented 10 years ago

Yea i like the idea to add to a bounty! Although allowing someone to do it from anywhere I'm not a fan of.

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

no they should be at the bounty office! which is in kavala :p

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

@jrlane If people have to go to a store, it just wont be used that much. it will be too much effort, not enough reward... There are other ways of preventing abuse like ensuring that the minimum value you can put on someone is more than the amount of money you start with.

jrlane commented 10 years ago

Only one way to find out. Let them do it from anywhere and see what happens.

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

Need to implement it first, and need to fix alot of stuff before we implement it as well :package: At the moment, its slated for version 1.

Solo- commented 10 years ago

Maybe a strange idea, was just reading this, but is perhaps possible to put a bounty on someones head if he/she is camping for a long period of time?

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

Tactical waiting is something we shoukd not act up against. Arma3 is a milsim. not a Normal fps shooter. But thats my personal opinion

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

Yeah I agree. If they are highly proficient at camping, They will have a higher killstreak and therefore have a higher bounty anyway :)

Good to see people getting involved with ideas though, keep them coming!!!

Solo- commented 10 years ago

Tactical waiting yea I agree, but occasionally you also have the tactical guys lying down at airfields for hours even shooting friendlies. I mean i'm not saying the bounty should go on everyone lying about for 10 minutes or 15, I am talking about the hardcore campers who hours look at a store waiting for that one tactical kill :)

Solo- commented 10 years ago

On the other hand though, if the guy that camps is good enough at tactical waiting :) he might kill just everyone who tries to kill him.

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

Camping in arma is mostly just sniping. You now have UAV's and Thermal Sights (if enabled by server admin) so it really shouldn't be an issue :)

Solo- commented 10 years ago

aah yes, i agree :) on another note, it's really hard to find a functioning mission, is this one working for the most part allready? we got a 80 slot server doing nothing actually what's a darn shame if you ask me.

nickludlam commented 10 years ago

on another note...

A better place to discuss missions will be the forums at http://forums.a3wasteland.com/ !

LouDnl commented 9 years ago

Can't wait for this to become a true addition. Players keep asking me about it. I've seen that Ultimate Wasteland uses a bounty mission system which checks bounty status in the SQL database. Creampie uses a most valuable target script which looks at all players. If players have more then 50k (I think) they will get marked on the map.