A3Wasteland / ArmA3_Wasteland.Altis

A3Wasteland is a survival sandbox mission for Arma 3 where two teams and independent players fight for survival. Built in collaboration between GoT, TPG, KoS, 404Games, and others.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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AI: Provoking a discussion #162

Open mawendt opened 9 years ago

mawendt commented 9 years ago

I'm liking the AI. I want them to do some more stuff.

  1. I'd like to see foot or mounted AI patrols go from town to town or location to location, on agressive combat patrol, and engage players if they are see/within 500m. They don't have a map marker, so you don't see them until you walk into them.
  2. I'd like to see foot patrols move to towns or cross roads or key locations, set up an ied or mine, and wait 2 game hours in ambush. At the end of two game-time hours, they move to the next nearest ambush location. Again, no map marker, so you don't see them until you drive into them.
  3. I'd like to see AI simulate 'scavanging'. After the AI kills a player, and after they drop oout of their combat threat response mode (no players engage them for a while), one or two AI go to the players dead body, do a 30 second or so animation, then run back to a location they cache the players supplies (a box, a vehicle, or just a pile). If the AI is a mounted patrol, they drive over to the body and all the player items get dumped into the vehicle. If the vehicle gets full, they AI drives to the nearest gunstore and simulates selling the items. Or to their base cache.
  4. I'd like to see AI group/groups spawn without a marker with a restriction of no closer than 2k from any player, drive to to a random location anywhere on the map, and set up a spawned randomly small base. Then have defenders in side the base, as well as send out patrols as under #1 and #2 of this list. Every 6 gametime hours, an AI group would randomly spawn somewher on map, and go to this base, where they would join or merge with the existing base. If players don't knock out the base, they would get more powerful as time when on.
  5. I'd like to see AI as BLUFOR and OPFOR teams that fight eachother. If you get rid of the BLUFOR and OPFOR Teams, and have groups only, you can free up those two sides for AI, then have random firefights between blue and red that may leave equipment, and certainly add flavor, to the environment.
  6. Dead AI clean up needs to be, in many of the players opinion, lengthened. The dead body clean up seems to happen too fast so no looting of the bodies occur. If ever you start drying up the availability of equipment, making it more expensive or unavailable at the stores, scavanging for items would become very neccessary.
  7. Dead AI drop random items - food, water, repair kits, whatever like a player. mayby 0 to 3 items weighted toward 0.
AgentRev commented 9 years ago

1, 2, 3, 4 - If somebody reading this has experience and knowledge on how AI works, has plenty of free time, and can write clean code, feel free to implement those. The most important requirement is that all AI units must be created via scripts. Free-roaming and placeholder AI units placed directly in the mission editor are not accepted in the main release. All AI units must be civilians with military gear.

5 - No.

6 - Player and AI body cleanup are tied together, just change the time values in the cleanup script. I will be moving towards the native garbage collector to be implemented in v1.30, which is entirely controlled through description.ext.

7 - There are already plenty of such items lying around, especially from dead players, and also in buildings.