A3Wasteland / ArmA3_Wasteland.Altis

A3Wasteland is a survival sandbox mission for Arma 3 where two teams and independent players fight for survival. Built in collaboration between GoT, TPG, KoS, 404Games, and others.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
104 stars 185 forks source link

Server Lag After 1.52 Patch #354

Open LouDnl opened 8 years ago

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Could be Bohemia causing this, could be a part of code in the mission. Creampie and I have been testing multiple solutions but all without any succes. Disabled addons, disabled mArma, disabled ASM, changed basic.cfg etc. Don't really know where to look now.

ref: http://forums.a3wasteland.com/index.php?topic=2150.0

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Also created a feedback ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26108

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

Tried swapping to default mission, no better-- when server is under load and full, it just randomly cuts out for however many seconds. Server FPS is good, steady, I get on our server always 15+ fps until this suddenly occurs.

Upvoting topic on A3 Feedback. Surprised to not see as much noise on the A3 forums about this, seems to be hitting everybody, regardless of mod. (Exile and Wasteland at least.)

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Yes I have had this on Exile too, but not as much as on A3W. I am getting almost zero response in the server hosting Skype group. I have disabled ASM now to see if that's the cause.

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

I'm wondering if the reason I'm seeing this on Exile is because it runs on the same box as my A3Wasteland. Might be occurring at the same time? Talked to a few Exile server admins and they are not getting this.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

I'm running all my servers on separate boxes. My Exile doesn't have much players but i've seen this choke atleast once. Do you run ASM on your servers?

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

Nope! I did turn it on however to try and monitor these issues just yesterday, but we were getting them before. It isn't ASM

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

I also stopped running HC as we get it with or without, just to make the problem more simple.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Well disabling ASM didn't help. Still getting the drops.

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

Did you notice a hike in bandwidth usage just prior to this? Wondering if they just screwed up and when this is hanging, it is actually trying to utilize a ridiculous shitton of down/upload that is causing these hangs.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Not really noticed it, but could keep an eye out for it.

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

We had this happen I swear a few months back. I had to down my slots to like 56 versus 64 because the server was using a ton of bandwidth whereas it hadn't before. It would hit a certain point, then we'd get hangs like we are getting now-- only now it doesn't matter if it is a small playercount or a large one.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Yea I had that too. That's this issue: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23593

AgentRev commented 8 years ago

lol BIS denying any wrongdoing and blaming mods, classic

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Yea as usual...

hobart666 commented 8 years ago

Any lawyers in the Community? We should go after them class-action style... Seriously.

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

It's at least acknowledged now, huzzah!

AgentRev commented 8 years ago

From past experience, acknowledged = "we don't give a crap, go away"

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

We've been monitoring Wasteland and Exile (GamersInc). As we can see this issue does not occur on Exile. It does however occur on Wasteland. But when the server reaches 55+ (or something) players it doesn't seem to happen. Occurrences seem to be random. I think however it is either tie in to players connecting/disconnecting or to the mission system. But no hard proof there. We (Creampie and I) think that it might be some decrepated function which is still used and is acting up. But which? No frigging idea. It's very annoying.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

@dagg929 you wrote earlier that you tried default mission. As in Rev's Vanilla A3Wasteland?

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

I did, yes. With ExtDB2. We had it reoccur with it around 30 people.

My mission file isn't far off from being default now, though I've been tweaking small things on it such as missions or the like.

I had this occur last night on my box with my server at 63, which then killed it down to 5 people by the time it stopped. (BE timed them all out.) I rebooted it at that point and it came up, was acting funny for a few seconds inititially, then stopped. I'm wondering if this causes a huge net spike and that is what is going on when we see this occur, with it then catching up with itself. Has anyone checked their bandwidth usage during this?

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Theres a new perf out: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/582opsto4mmr8d8/3BSy9PdRGm

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Could this be a thing @AgentRev ? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_MP

From version 1.50 the function bis_fnc_mp will use the engine based remote execution. This will positively affect its performance, namely processing speed and amount of transferred data. The syntax and functionality of bis_fnc_mp will remain same to retain the backward compatibility. To prevent abusing of the remoteExec and remoteExecCall commands the bis_fnc_mp will use, the content authors will be able to define the operation modes as well as white-lists for commands/functions for clients and server separately. White-lists defined in CfgRemoteExecCommands and CfgRemoteExecFunctions won't be supported from 1.48 as they will be replaced by the new structure more powerful and detailed structure: CfgRemoteExec.


Pay close attention to where and when you call BIS_fnc_MP. If you use it on the server during init, it will probably run before the player is loaded into the server, and the player behaves more like a JIP. Either waiting for the briefing to end (time > 0), or using the JIP parameter in BIS_fnc_MP are two ways of getting around this issue.

It's used in several spots across the mission.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Or maybe it's this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_MPexec

Which is used in filterExecAttempt.sqf ?

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

These files use either BIS_fnc_MP or BIS_fnc_MPexec

initPlayerLocal.sqf > vanilla mission initServer.sqf > vanilla mission 3Dmarkers.sqf > non vanilla addon APOC_cli_startAirdrop.sqf > non vanilla addon va_functions.sqf > non vanilla addon filterExecAttempt.sqf > vanilla mission fn_vehicleInit.sqf > vanilla mission fn_MPexec.sqf > vanilla mission updateConnectingClients.sqf > vanilla mission

Would be nice to know how and to what to replace these functions.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

More information here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Remote_Execution

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

Anyone get this yet with the newest perf branch? Comment from Dwarden on the newest: + more crashfixes/freezefixes

Here's hoping.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Yes still getting them.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Well I just did a dry test run with a test server. When first missions start there is a choke. Seems like with every mission start theres some sort of choke. When I disabled all missions the server runs without chokes for 1.5hours+.

Something within the mission system MUST be choking the server. @AgentRev any help here is much appreciated.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Ofcourse it's always a mix of things. But some chokes definatly come from the mission system. Well atleast it looks like it does. No frigging idea why though.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Ok so I disabled all addons I could find in (client/server)/init.sqf including r3f, far revive, playericons etc etc. Disabled territories, disabled server cleanup. Disabled all missions except 1, MBT.

What I see is when the starts up and the mission controllers load theres a micro choke (first red dot) of about a second. Then as soon as the MBT mission starts the choke happens (red line). http://i.imgur.com/lQ1QadV.png

It seems there is something buried in the missioncontroller/missions that chokes the server.

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

Is this mission specific? Do you get the same with another mission?

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Also getting this with other missions yes.

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

So the thought here is that, with players, the server is hanging because of a mission call referencing a bad line of code somewhere-- or a depreciated call.

Going through my logs now to see if my freezes match the time in my RPT that it is attempting to spawn a mission.

dagg929 commented 8 years ago

Not able to see the relation on my side but I'll document the freezes more closely and be on the look out now for this.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

When I use ASM to check the freeze time and cross reference that with the rpt log its in 7 of the 10 counts at the exact same time a mission starts. But theres also 3 times its not. So it's really strange

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

The strange thing is, the more players on the server, and thus lower the fps the less frequent the problem.

AgentRev commented 8 years ago

If you can provide the RPT log with the time at which the freeze occurs, I can investigate.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Sure i'll get you one. But there's nothing much to see though.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Here's a log. Theres nothing to see there though :( I disabled all addons. The choke happened right at the mission start. Only 1 mission in the array. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By5PInQAIAA6QVNPYm1MY3FLeW8/view?usp=sharing

AgentRev commented 8 years ago

What's the timestamp of the freeze?

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Right on or right before 21:12:54. You can see the mission loading from disk in ASM and then it chokes. And after about 10 seconds it comes back.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Weird thing is though, with less players on it seems to happen more often then with more players on. I've even seen chokes of 30 minutes.

AgentRev commented 8 years ago


RPT starts at 22:00:42

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

wait huh

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Fuck me wrong link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By5PInQAIAA6ZXNEOUxGa3IxRXc/view?usp=sharing

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

That log I linked before was for Dwarden. Had chokes too, but don't know the timestamps on that one.

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Ill upload a log of the running server too. Got some timestamps on that one also

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By5PInQAIAA6Tk5feHpsNEVjcnM/view?usp=sharing Timestamps: 18:50:52 19:31:15 19:32:52 20:03:37

LouDnl commented 8 years ago

Theres more timestamps, but cant get them all

AgentRev commented 8 years ago

Well, can't reproduce on my own comp, no chokes at all...