Open ghost opened 8 years ago
I will actually implement v3, I just whipped that up during the afternoon... I have been holding off making major changes to v1 because I will have to re-implement them in v3 anyway...
ah that's great to know, some of your recent anti abuse changes would be a great addition to v3.
fantastic news.
The reason why v3 isn't in yet is because R3F code is really shitty... There is a lot of crap I need to optimize and rewrite, because it's horribly inefficient. When A3W got ported to Altis, we started getting really massive lag because R3F was hogging up the scheduler, stuffing all found vehicles in an array and making sure every new one wasn't already in the array... That kinda stuff.
I remember reading a past comment about rf3 you made along the same lines that's why I was keen to swap back but players love the ability to airdrop or buy bases in a box so I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Having thought about this I'd sleep better at night knowing I'm using the most optimised version so I've reverted back to your version Rev, if you do find the time at some point to convert to 3.1 or even add the ability to auto load objects that would be awesome.
My self and a number of server owners as you know use R3F 3.1 and i for one would certainly use your heavily modified version of R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG if it wasn't for one key feature that's missing, the ability auto load objects in vehicles which is used for our airdrop systems, building base packs from the stores etc etc. Would you consider adding this to your version so we can swap back to using it ?
`// charger_auto.sqf waitUntil { if (R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou) then { false } else { R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou = true; true } };
private ["_transporteur", "_liste_a_charger", "_chargement", "_chargement_actuel", "_chargement_maxi", "_objets_charges", "_cout_chargement_objet"]; private ["_objet_ou_classe", "_quantite", "_objet", "_classe", "_bbox", "_bbox_dim", "_pos_degagee", "_fonctionnalites", "_i"];
_transporteur = _this select 0; _liste_a_charger = _this select 1;
_chargement = [_transporteur] call R3F_LOG_FNCT_calculer_chargement_vehicule; _chargement_actuel = _chargement select 0; _chargement_maxi = _chargement select 1; _objets_charges = _transporteur getVariable ["R3F_LOG_objets_charges", []];
// Pour chaque élément de la liste à charger { if (typeName _x == "ARRAY" && {count _x > 0}) then { _objet_ou_classe = _x select 0;
} forEach _liste_a_charger;
// On mémorise sur le réseau le nouveau contenu du véhicule _transporteur setVariable ["R3F_LOG_objets_charges", _objets_charges, true];
R3F_LOG_mutex_local_verrou = false;`