A5308Y / Methodoly

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Slow animations on mobile while viewing gtd Action list #34

Closed A5308Y closed 6 years ago

A5308Y commented 6 years ago

I know that I'm waiting almost 300ms for the main thread after tapping any button or link. I know that removing both right side menus from the view eliminates the problem.

I tried Html.Lazy.lazy for the whole menu but that didn't do anything measurable. I tried Html.keyed with the elements in the menu, but that didn't do anything measurable either.

I don't like how the view renders the "hiddenMenu". Also the menu seems to be visible still on the right, if I scroll there on mobile (not reachable on desktop). Maybe I should rewrite the whole part.

I can think of two ways of doing this:

  1. Render all menus after selecting the gtd workflow and add the class depending on whether the menu should be visible.
  2. Render one menu and fill it with selectable elements as defined by the action.

Turns out it's not a problem with the code but the dreaded touch delay:


Adding a more specific viewport definition and touch-action: manipulation; solved it.