A5hleyRich / delightful-downloads

A super-awesome downloads manager for WordPress.
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Query Problem in "post-types.php", line 174 #161

Open laflier opened 8 years ago

laflier commented 8 years ago

I discovered that Delightful Downloads (DD) was interfering with a query I was running on my site that collected all my podcast posts. When DD was running, no posts would be found.

By commenting out classes in DD "delightful-downloads.php", I isolated the problem to DD "post-types.php". And by further commenting out "add_action()s" I Isolated the problem to line 174, which adds a function that appears to run every time WP does a "pre_get_posts", which would be just about every query on the site, wouldn't it?

Is this what is intended? If so, it seems wasteful, and it definitely interferes with other queries on my site.

For now, I'm good with line 174 commented out. Just thought you'd like to know that there might be an issue.