Free open-source OCR application for the Windows Desktop - A modern GUI front-end for the Tesseract OCR engine. The application also includes support for reading and OCR'ing PDF files.
I couldn't have it working in my computer yet but just looked through your code.
It seems that it just uses Tesseract-OCR's basic function to detect texts. Which is:
using (var engine = new TesseractEngine(_pathToTestData, Language, EngineMode.Default))
using (var img = Pix.LoadFromFile(pathToImage))
using (var page = engine.Process(img))
var resultText = page.GetText();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(resultText))
return resultText;
I know about this code and it wasn't very great. However your online OCR ( works really great. How come they are different? Are they really using same code?
I guess they are using different tessdata. Would you be able to share your tessdata too?
I couldn't have it working in my computer yet but just looked through your code. It seems that it just uses Tesseract-OCR's basic function to detect texts. Which is:
I know about this code and it wasn't very great. However your online OCR ( works really great. How come they are different? Are they really using same code?
I guess they are using different tessdata. Would you be able to share your tessdata too?