A9T9 / Speed-Test-Loggger

Download Speed Test Loggger for Windows - Test your download (speed with which you receive data from the internet) periodically and generate download speed over time graphs. Also log service interruptions (PC offline/online). In other words: Measure the reliability of your internet connection easily.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
34 stars 9 forks source link

Invalid URL Error after 30 minutes or so - possibly caused by dodgy Download URL site #39

Open pillface opened 4 years ago

pillface commented 4 years ago

Have downloaded and run Standard and 1-Minute version.

Have specified various custom download URLs in Settings.

Performs well but bombs out after 30 minutes or so. See Screen Image 1 below.

Clicking "Test Now" button no good. Stop/Start no good either. See Screen Image 2.

Changing custom download URL in Settings no good.

Stays bad for hours like over-night testing. Never resolves itself. Notice time scale on the screen images.

Toggled "Successful Tests", "Status Changes" and "Error Messages" buttons. That fixed it this time but doesn't seem to fix it all the time. See Screen Image 3.

Rebooting PC seems to fix it all the time.

No other networking issues at the time. Am running PingPlotter and Net Uptime Monitor concurrently.

Is anyone else having this problem?

Grrr. While I was writing this post it bombed out again. This time toggling the buttons didn't fix it. See Screen Image 4.

Have included PingPlotter in Screen Image 5 to showing spikes of Speed Test Loggger activity and good connection otherwise.

Speed Test Loggger seems to think there is no Internet connection.

Have just gone into the settings and specified a different custom download URL from Internode. Was using one from Inspire. This time it did work. See Screen Image 6.

Furthermore it remained working for two hours or so. Then there was an offline/online glitch but no Invalid URL Error condition. Speed Test Loggger recovered and continued testing. See Screen Image 7.

Speed Test Loggger seems to think there is a connection problem with Inspire but it's a fairly reputable web site. Perhaps the program is a little too harsh in determining if there is a connection issue.

This is interesting... I've been noticing that the ADSL line has spells of high packet loss and jitter when the DSL Modulation setting in the router is set to Multimode or ADSL2+. Less so when set to ADSL2 and virtually none when set to G.dmt. During speeds of high packet loss the download speed crawls along at 200-300 Kbps which is not fit for purpose. When changing the DSL Modulation setting the connection is lost for a minute or so. Firstly Speed Test Loggger Status went to Offline but then it reported an Invalid URL Error. After the router connected again Speed Test Logger automatically recovered. This indicates that the issue of Speed Test Loggger going into the Invalid URL Error condition and not recovering is caused by using the Inspire Custom URL. Strange.

Just finished a successful overnight testing.

All good except for an annoying glitch that's always been with my laptop/PC. See Screen Image 8. Notice for some reason the LAN card momentarily drops the connection when it comes back from whatever power-saving state it goes into after prolonged inactivity. I've noticed this before. I have everything set to constant performance mode. The laptop is always powered on and in its docking station. The only power-saving feature set is to turn the screen off after 15 minutes. Have just checked Power Management setting in my LAN driver. The "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" was ticked. I presume that the computer didn't turn off the LAN because the logging operations and all other internet activity as far as I can ascertain remain fully operational. Just in case this setting is causing the glitch I am going to clear it. If the glitch continues then the only other thing can the the display driver or the OS or BIOS. But seeing Speed Test Loggger is proven to be able to recover from this glitch I'm happy.

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pillface commented 4 years ago

Enhancement request: display Custom URL on main page and possibly in graph or data results as well. Also have a drop-down list of previous Custom URLs to choose from.