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[Dashboard] Having an option for `guild_owner` to disable module #58

Open cool-aid-man opened 4 months ago

cool-aid-man commented 4 months ago

What cog is this feature request for?


Describe the feature request in as much detail as possible

Hi aaa,

Got two feature requests for the dashboard.

  1. Have an option for guild_owner to enable & disable the access of 3rd party module for specific cogs. (If disabled, the modules/cog(s) either won't show up or will throw an error message if anyone try to access/view` it.)

    e.g. if a guild_owner wishes to disable the Tags or Defender modules from showing up (& for Anyone Not to mess around with), they could do so.

  2. Have a pop-up warning message with two options (Done, Cancel) when changes are made to any settings under the third-party page and in other places as well - throughout the dashboard.
    • or have the save button placed above/sideways (right/left) instead of at the bottom.

      So, currently, there's no such option to disable access of any third party module under the URL - (where 123.. being guild_ID)

The idea behind this is that - It's very easy for anyone with manage_server perms/admins to go to the dashboard and change certain settings in the 3rd party module or even worse - delete it, sometimes without even knowing or doing it accidentally.

  • For example - Tags is an extremely powerful 3rd party cog, and one can very easily delete the tags simply by clicking the 🗑️ button on th dashboard. Currently, it does not provide any warning whatsoever.
  • Another example is that even if the set command is disabled for everyone including admins (via the permissions cog) in a server, it can very much be accessible (and changeable) via the dashboard.
  • You could say, that if you're trusting someone with admin perms then you should also trust that person with dashboard. But the thing is — you can easily deny access to ANY cog/command for anyone including admins via the permissions cog whereas for dashboard there's no way you can. Example – if tags are disabled for everyone in a server including for admins; they can still access, view, delete every single tags via the dashboard — which the server would never want in the first place.
  • Basically having no such options is a Loop Hole.

I think being able to disable access would really really be helpful for every server out there that uses the dashboard. And for the confirm pop-up it'd also be immensely helpful for everyone as mistakes can happen.