AAAAAAsuka / Impress

code of paper "IMPRESS: Evaluating the Resilience of Imperceptible Perturbations Against Unauthorized Data Usage in Diffusion-Based Generative AI"
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Reproduce Table 7 in the Paper #6

Closed lunaryan closed 4 months ago

lunaryan commented 10 months ago

Hi authors,

Thanks so much for your brilliant code!

I am trying to reproduce table 7. Using the default setting of, my results are: diff_data_dir:raphael-kirchner/clean/test/500/, ACC:94.85% diff_data_dir:camille-pissarro/clean/test/500/, ACC:100.00% diff_data_dir:pyotr-konchalovsky/clean/test/500/, ACC:96.94% diff_data_dir:childe-hassam/clean/test/500/, ACC:98.00% diff_data_dir:paul-cezanne/clean/test/500/, ACC:100.00% diff_data_dir:claude-monet/clean/test/500/, ACC:100.00% diff_data_dir:albrecht-durer/clean/test/500/, ACC:90.72% diff_data_dir:eugene-boudin/clean/test/500/, ACC:93.00%

diff_data_dir:raphael-kirchner/adv_p0.05_alpha30_iter500_lr0.01/test/500_trans_Cubism_by_Picasso_seed0/, ACC:91.75% diff_data_dir:camille-pissarro/adv_p0.05_alpha30_iter500_lr0.01/test/500_trans_Cubism_by_Picasso_seed0/, ACC:49.00% diff_data_dir:pyotr-konchalovsky/adv_p0.05_alpha30_iter500_lr0.01/test/500_trans_Cubism_by_Picasso_seed0/, ACC:76.53% diff_data_dir:childe-hassam/adv_p0.05_alpha30_iter500_lr0.01/test/500_trans_Cubism_by_Picasso_seed0/, ACC:96.00% diff_data_dir:paul-cezanne/adv_p0.05_alpha30_iter500_lr0.01/test/500_trans_Cubism_by_Picasso_seed0/, ACC:79.59% diff_data_dir:claude-monet/adv_p0.05_alpha30_iter500_lr0.01/test/500_trans_Cubism_by_Picasso_seed0/, ACC:97.00% diff_data_dir:albrecht-durer/adv_p0.05_alpha30_iter500_lr0.01/test/500_trans_Cubism_by_Picasso_seed0/, ACC:86.60% diff_data_dir:eugene-boudin/adv_p0.05_alpha30_iter500_lr0.01/test/500_trans_Cubism_by_Picasso_seed0/, ACC:90.00%

where the acc of glaze is far from what are listed in Table 7. Is it possible to confirm that Table 7 uses the same hyper-parameters? Or what am I missing here? Thanks so much!

AAAAAAsuka commented 10 months ago

It seems that you are having trouble reproducing the Glaze experiment. Due to lack of information, I hope you can answer the following questions:

Did you directly check the result of the image generation, and does Glaze work? And does the loss converge normally when Glaze is performed?

If the answer is yes, have you tried the Diffusion Classifier? If yes, have you tried Diffusion Classifier?

Did you check the hyperparameter settings in detail to keep them consistent with the paper? One thing to note is that you need to keep the batch size to 32 when fine-tuning the SD model, and the actual batch size depends on the batch size per GPU, gradient accumulation steps and the number of GPUs. For example, in our experiment, we used 4 GPUs, with a per-GPU batch size of 8, and a gradient accumulation of 1, resulting in an actual batch size of 4 8 1 = 32. If you use 2 GPUs and a per-batch size of 8, you should change the gradient accumulation to 2 to maintain a consistent actual batch size of 32.

We spoke with the Glaze team before the code was released, and they checked our experimental code and did not dispute the reproduction results.

and here's my envirments:

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----------------------------- -------------------- 
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lunaryan commented 10 months ago

Thanks for your reply.

I do manually check the results of glaze. I noticed the perturbation but it is hard to say whether it changes the style since I am not an artist and also impossible to tell how much the perturbation can change the diffusion classifier's predictions.

Yes, I tried the diffusion classifier and in my initial post I am showing exactly the results of diffusion classifier.

The decrease process of loss seems normal to me.

From appendix G I can only confirm I am using the same target style and it does not mention other hyper-parameters. I am using the default setting from and did not change anything (so it is 4 gpu with batch size 8 for each). So could you please kindly check whether the parameters in your are consistent with the setting in Table 7?


AAAAAAsuka commented 10 months ago


All hyperparameters are located in Appendix B, not Appendix G. The experimental results in Appendix G are the result of performing Impress on a clean image, so the differences should be small by themselves.

I just checked, and I think the hyperparameter settings are the same as in the paper. I should note, however, that the number of graphics cards is not set in the file, but is specified by running accelerate config.

And I think there is a potential misunderstanding here, namely that the results of our experiments are not the classification of the original image and the image with Glaze added, but the classification of the image generated by the SD model fine-tuned using the original image, and the classification of the image generated by the SD model fine-tuned using the Glaze-protected image.

In other words, we will fine-tune the SD model using the original image and the Glaze-protected image separately, and then use these fine-tuned models to generate new images, and then test the style categorization results on these newly generated images. Glaze perturbations may not by themselves change the predictions of the diffusion classifier.

In general, images generated by SD models fine-tuned with Glaze-protected images have very distinctly different styles (e.g., as shown in Figs. 1, 4, and 10 of the paper), but have you found similarly distinct differences?

I hope this helps.

lunaryan commented 10 months ago

Oh I am so sorry I meant Appendix H.

Thanks for your clarification. I will reset accelerate config and re-run the experiments.

I understand that the diffusion classifiers are applied to the generated images, as also indicated by the script. I think the term "perturbation" I used to describe the differences between generated images and clean test images causes the misunderstanding, my bad.

Yes, I can manually see that the generated images are different from the clean test images, and seem to have a style combining victim artist and target style. It is just hard to tell which style is the dominant -- that's why we need classifiers.

Anyway, thanks so much for your reply. I will rerun the experiments and lets see whether the classifiers give similar results to table 7 this time.

AAAAAAsuka commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the explanation, because I noticed that you used /test/500_trans_Cubism_by_Picasso_seed0/ when presenting the path to your data, which is the path I used early in writing the code, and which shouldn't exist when running the current version of So I was guessing that an incorrect data source might be causing the problem.

The actual batch_size and accelerate settings are really complicated, and I usually monitor GPU usage while finetuning the SD model to make sure I'm using the right set of parameters. You can also check this in the log shown at the beginning of the finetuning SD code run.

If you re-run the experiment and it still doesn't work well, you can try increasing the Glaze iteration slightly, or tweaking other relevant parameters to get stronger protection. Also, you can use more finetuning steps when using the image with Glaze finetuning model . In our experiments, 500 steps gets the best protection, but we are not sure if this number is affected by the hardware device or software version. (This is common in our LLM research. )

Feel free to contact me via email if you need to, and we can try to set up a Zoom meeting to troubleshoot potential problems.

lunaryan commented 10 months ago

Oh yeah, about the directory name, I remembered that in the script it is something like transNum${transNum}_seed${SEED}. When I ran the script it throws an error complaining about no such directory. Then I checked the and it seems the transferred images are under " save_dir = re.sub('clean', 'trans', copy.deepcopy(aimdir)) + f"/trans{re.sub(' ', '_', copy.deepcopy(aim_style_prompt))}_seed{args.manual_seed}/". I thought maybe the script was not up-to-date or something like that, so I just changed all the directory names in the scripts and there is no error anymore. Did I mess up anything?

Thanks for your suggestions about accelerate. I just set the batch size to 32 and use 1 gpu for simplicity this time.

I will try your advice about glaze iterations, other protection-strength related parameters, as well as the finetuning steps if it still does not work. Those are helpful information and I really appreciate it.

Thanks so much for your support! You are so nice!

AAAAAAsuka commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the feedback, I don't think this will lead to any fatal errors (especially if you've already checked the experimental results), but I'll check over at a later date to correct the potential path error.

Since I've already been informed of some successful reproductions, I'd also be interested in learning about any possible causes of unsuccessful reproduction of our results, and correcting them in time to prevent more people from experiencing these problems :)

You're so welcome, please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.