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django.views.generic.base and RedirectView #8

Closed jayvdb closed 3 years ago

jayvdb commented 3 years ago

I have a set of views grouped under "django.views.generic.base" that are all RedirectView.

They are from a wide variety of installable apps, so grouping them under "django.views.generic.base" is a bit confusing.

Many are paths ending in / like /admin/socialaccount/socialapp/<path:object_id>/. These are a special case, redirecting to the same path without the trailing /. Many of them are under /admin/.. but they have "login required"= false.

It would be nice to hide these by default, behind a setting like "IGNORE_ADMIN_SLASH_REDIRECTS".

In addition I have the following, again all "login required"= false, yet all except /oscar/ need auth, possibly only needing auth on the redirect target rather than the path being redirected.

RedirectView | /oscar/
RedirectView | /oscar/accounts/notifications/
RedirectView | /admin/rosetta/
RedirectView | /admin/rosetta/files/
RedirectView | /admin/data-browser/.*/<path>
kluchrj commented 3 years ago

In my projects, I blacklist these like so:

    'namespaces': [
    'view_names': [
    'modules': [

I'll consider adding this setting to the defaults. Thanks for the report.

jayvdb commented 3 years ago

Adding that to defaults sounds like a good solution.