AAChartModel / AAChartKit

📈📊🚀🚀🚀An elegant modern declarative data visualization chart framework for iOS, iPadOS and macOS. Extremely powerful, supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types. 极其精美而又强大的现代化声明式数据可视化图表框架,支持柱状图、条形图、折线图、曲线图、折线填充图、曲线填充图、气泡图、扇形图、环形图、散点图、雷达图、混合图等各种类型的多达几十种的信息图图表,完全满足工作所需.
MIT License
4.72k stars 751 forks source link

Xcode升级到 15.0.0 之后,AAChartModel报错: Stored properties cannot be marked unavailable with '@available' #1501

Closed telami closed 1 year ago

telami commented 1 year ago
geekstars commented 1 year ago

Please comment ( // ) on the lines of code that have errors.

vx8 commented 1 year ago

I forked and tested this project with xCode 15, working as expected.

You can find it here -> https://github.com/vx8/AAChartKit-Swift

AAChartModel commented 1 year ago

Please comment ( // ) on the lines of code that have errors.

如楼上所说, 先手动将报错的部分注释掉应该就可以了. 我后面有时间再处理下.

AAChartModel commented 1 year ago

报错的这部分内容直接注释掉, 对代码其实没啥硬性影响.

telami commented 1 year ago

@AAChartModel 要不您这直接改了吧,提交一版,或者我晚上提个pull request,您合并一下

AAChartModel commented 1 year ago

刚刚看到有好心人已经改过了, 提了 pull request, 我已合并.


AAChartModel commented 1 year ago

更新 AAChartKit-Swift 至最新内容即可.
