AAChartModel / AAChartKit

📈📊🚀🚀🚀An elegant modern declarative data visualization chart framework for iOS, iPadOS and macOS. Extremely powerful, supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types. 极其精美而又强大的现代化声明式数据可视化图表框架,支持柱状图、条形图、折线图、曲线图、折线填充图、曲线填充图、气泡图、扇形图、环形图、散点图、雷达图、混合图等各种类型的多达几十种的信息图图表,完全满足工作所需.
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这个功能怎么实现 #1512

Open CoderST opened 8 months ago

CoderST commented 8 months ago

截屏2023-11-08 13 08 41 Demo的这个功能是在增加一个新值后 数组第一个值就被取消了。 我们需要功能如下: 1:自动追加最后一个新Y值 但是第一个值不被删除。 2:右滑可以查看历史的值,现在Demo删除了第一个Y值,也不能右滑。 请问大神 这个怎么实现,或者给点指点,感激不尽。

AAChartModel commented 8 months ago

1:自动追加最后一个新Y值 但是第一个值不被删除。

/// Add a new point to the data column after the chart has been rendered.
/// The new point can be the last point, or it can be placed in the corresponding position given the X value (first, middle position, depending on the x value)
/// Refer to https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#Series.addPoint
/// @param elementIndex The specific series element
/// @param options The configuration of the data point can be a single value, indicating the y value of the data point; it can also be an array containing x and y values; it can also be an object containing detailed data point configuration. For detailed configuration, see series.data.
/// @param redraw The default is true, whether to redraw the icon after the operation is completed. When you need to add more than one point, it is highly recommended to set redraw to false and manually call chart.redraw() to redraw the chart after all operations have ended.
/// @param shift The default is false. When this property is true, adding a new point will delete the first point in the data column (that is, keep the total number of data points in the data column unchanged). This property is very useful in the inspection chart
/// @param animation The default is true, which means that when adding a point, it contains the default animation effect. This parameter can also be passed to the object form containing duration and easing. For details, refer to the animation related configuration.
- (void)aa_addPointToChartSeriesElementWithElementIndex:(NSUInteger)elementIndex


/// @param shift The default is false. When this property is true, adding a new point will delete the first point in the data column (that is, keep the total number of data points in the data column unchanged). This property is very useful in the inspection chart

也就是说, 调用这个方法的时候, 设置参数 shift 为 false 就可以保证第一个值不被删除.

附言: demo 中的这两个方法

- (void)aa_addPointToChartSeriesElementWithElementIndex:(NSUInteger)elementIndex

- (void)aa_addPointToChartSeriesElementWithElementIndex:(NSUInteger)elementIndex


AAChartModel commented 8 months ago


官方提供的左右或上下滑动的功能是设置 AAChart 对象的 scrollablePlotArea 属性. scrollablePlotArea 的可配置内容如下

//Refer to online API document: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/chart.scrollablePlotArea
@interface AAScrollablePlotArea : NSObject

AAPropStatementAndPropSetFuncStatement(strong, AAScrollablePlotArea, NSNumber *, minHeight)
AAPropStatementAndPropSetFuncStatement(strong, AAScrollablePlotArea, NSNumber *, minWidth)
AAPropStatementAndPropSetFuncStatement(strong, AAScrollablePlotArea, NSNumber *, opacity)
AAPropStatementAndPropSetFuncStatement(strong, AAScrollablePlotArea, NSNumber *, scrollPositionX)
AAPropStatementAndPropSetFuncStatement(strong, AAScrollablePlotArea, NSNumber *, scrollPositionY)


但是这个功能有偶发性 bug, 官方至今也未解决, 参考:

AAChartModel commented 8 months ago


还有一种设置左右滑动的方法, 为 AAChartView 如下的这个方法:

/// Update the X axis Extremes
/// @param min X axis minimum
/// @param max X axis maximum
- (void)aa_updateXAxisExtremesWithMin:(NSUInteger)min max:(NSUInteger)max;

但是这个方法实现的效果, 在移动端设备上, 左右滑动起来的体验也是一言难尽.