AAGI-AUS / AAGITemplates

Rmarkdown, LaTeX, and Knitr reporting templates for AAGI staff.
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Short report: \afterpage{} not triggering geometry restoration sometimes #13

Open RussellAndrewEdson opened 2 months ago

RussellAndrewEdson commented 2 months ago

For the Short Report, we use afterpage to modify the geometry of all pages after the first page so that we have a different sized footer for the first page only (to account for the project partners image in the footer). In theory, anyway. In practice, I find that depending on figures/tables/etc in that first page, the \afterpage{...\restoregeometry} doesn't get triggered until later in the document, leaving us with an unsightly massive bottom margin on the second page sometimes: image

You can force the afterpage trigger by gauging where the first page ends and doing a \newpage manually, but we should probably try to fix this behaviour if we can so that it is automatic and end-users don't need to worry about it.