AASJournals / AASTeX60

Version 6 of the LaTeX style files and documentation for authoring AAS Journal (AJ/ApJ) articles.
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Acknowledgements section always gets line numbers in v6.3.1 [Which breaks arXiv submissions] #130

Open zpleunis opened 3 years ago

zpleunis commented 3 years ago

Using aastex631.cls the acknowledgements section always get line numbers (i.e., also without linenumbers selected as an option).

I was able to fix this by replacing \begin{internallinenumbers} and \end{internallinenumbers} with \ifnumlines\begin{internallinenumbers}\fi and \ifnumlines\end{internallinenumbers}\fi on lines 1240, 1249, 1296 and 1305 in the .cls file.

gregschwarz commented 3 years ago

I have not been able to confirm this locally. Can you let me know what style options, if any, you are using?

zpleunis commented 3 years ago

Yes, I use \documentclass[twocolumn]{aastex631}. The only package that I import outside of the class file is amsmath.

seawander commented 3 years ago

I did observe what @zpleunis saw ~2 months ago, and recorded it in my own mod of the aastex package https://github.com/seawander/aastex_pwned/commit/7854f159290a7b3672e2ddec16075c7d881a5622 . Thanks for the fix, @zpleunis !

mknote88 commented 3 years ago

I sent an email regarding this issue on March 5 and got a response (from Greg Schwarz, actually, who I assume is the same as the above). He also found that it was only replicated when amsmath was imported, which was true in my case as well. It does seem to be a conflict relating to amsmath.

GijsMulders commented 2 years ago

I also experienced this issue today (and using amsmath) astro-ph actually rejects your manuscript if it includes line numbers anywhere, so might be worth fixing.

The solution in the opening posts works for me, replacing those four lines.

gregschwarz commented 2 years ago

This is in our list for the next version. Note that you also do not have to use the \begin{acknowledgment} ... \end{acknowledgment} environment. It is primarily needed to blank out the acknowledgments when using the "anonymous" style option for dual anonymous review (DAR).

GijsMulders commented 2 years ago

Excellent, great to see that this is being fixed.

So the alternative to the acknowledgement environment would be to just use a \vspace{} or something?

gregschwarz commented 2 years ago

Yes, or just create a new \section*{Acknowledgment} if you really need a section header for some reason.

jpinedaf commented 2 years ago

Just to check, is this bug been addressed? As mentioned earlier, arXiv rejects these submissions.

parkus commented 2 years ago

I also received an arXiv rejection due to this, so glad it is on the list to fix.

My workaround was to simply remove the acknowledgments environment and instead just separate that paragraph from the end of the main text body with a few \\ line breaks.

rboston628 commented 1 year ago

Just had an arXiv rejection today due to this.

A temporary solution is, within aastex631.cls, in lines 1240 and 1249, just comment out the \begin and \end.

A better solution would need to fix the \ifx statement at line 1239 so this doesn't execute when line numbers are turned off.

sedonaprice commented 1 year ago

My fix: wrap both lines 1239-1241 and lines 1248-1250 with \ifnumlines .... \fi, then the acknowledgements follows the document-level line numbering setting.

Edit: also wrapping lines 1294-1297 and 1303-1306 with \ifnumlines .... \fi for the alternative spelling of acknowledgements.

matiscke commented 1 year ago

ArXiv rejected our paper due to this bug. I'm glad this issue is on the list to be fixed; I suspect it affects many users. Any news on when we can expect to see a new aastex release? I appreciate the hard work that goes into this.

augustfly commented 1 year ago

We are in fact beginning to scope out the next release, but dev hasn't started and given the issues, this might be big one. I'm really sorry this bit your arXiv release @matiscke! There are so many nests of dependencies that some clean out is required.