AASJournals / AASTeX60

Version 6 of the LaTeX style files and documentation for authoring AAS Journal (AJ/ApJ) articles.
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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Warning about `p{}` in table/tabular/deluxetable and new versions of latex-tools #149

Open augustfly opened 1 year ago

augustfly commented 1 year ago

the latex tools package array.sty was reimplemented in October 2022. this new version (array.sty 2.5+) conflicts with the current deep/heinous re-working of tabular/deluxetable in aastex631. It makes it impossible to use p{} columns.

The work around is to use an old version of array (<2.5). Two old versions of array are available on CTAN.

array.sty v2.4m (link fixed) works with AASTeX 6.3.1. Copy this array-2020-02-10.sty file to array.sty in your working directory and latex will pick it up and allow you to use p{} columns in tabular/deluxetable with AASTeX 6.3.1.

Fix is to stop heinously reworking tabular in aastex, but so much is built on that reimplementation.

augustfly commented 1 year ago

According to #150 the problem is not with deluxetable, but with a conflict between the new array.sty, the lineno package, and revtex4-1. The solution is the same; roll back array.sty to an old version.

augustfly commented 1 year ago

More evidence: when debugging an issue with the package subfig I found that the conflict was actually with lineno not subfig. This again points to a conflict between revtex and our (AAS's) choice of lineno to force line numbers on users. Right now we can neither deprecated our use of lineno nor update revtex due to limited time on this project. So there is no immediate solution available except for the various work arounds supplied in this thread.