AASJournals / AASTeX60

Version 6 of the LaTeX style files and documentation for authoring AAS Journal (AJ/ApJ) articles.
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Add proper UAT concept tagging #98

Open augustfly opened 4 years ago

augustfly commented 4 years ago

via @tconnor


Add ability to anchor link UAT concepts to their concept landing pages.

\uat{Galaxy Clusters}{584}

Also relabel the manuscript heading from "Keywords" to "Something else UAT related" (e.g., "Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts" as suggested by the author.

Additional suggestions re UAT concepts welcome in this thread.

dncnwtts commented 4 years ago

Just so it's easier to copy and paste for others who are interested (copied @tconnor's code here);

Replace the keywords block in aastex3.cls with the following;

% Following https://twitter.com/thomas_connor/status/1189672974724390912

%  ****************************************
%  *             KEYWORDS                 *
%  ****************************************

  \def\@keys@name{\textit{Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts:}\/~\mbox{}}%

\vrule depth 12pt width 0pt
\vrule depth 24pt width0pt\fi
   \class@warn{If you want your keywords to appear in your output, use document class option showkeys}%

then in your main file create a new command \uat,

\newcommand{\uat}[2]{\href{http://astrothesaurus.org/uat/#2}{#1 (#2)}}

and after the abstract, add the UAT keywords

\uat{Intergalactic medium}{813};
\uat{Cosmic web}{330};
\uat{Warm-hot intergalactic medium};
\uat{Quasar absorption line spectroscopy{1317}
tconnor commented 4 years ago

To be clear, this was a hack designed to make things easy for others to change in 6.3. It's probably better to define \uat in the actual .cls file and to make a separate entry \uatconcepts{} in addition to \keywords{} in the actual, supported version 6.4.

pkgw commented 4 years ago

I'll mention that this proposed change connects to something that came up in our discussions of the UAT changeover. Namely: how should we connect any keyword names in the TeX file to the tags associated with a manuscript after the end of the EJPress submission process? We came to a consensus that it is good to emphasize the EJPress submission-time webform as the single point of truth for the UAT keyword selection, mainly because we need to enforce various consistency checks — e.g., what if the ID number and descriptive text mismatch? what if an unrecognized concept is used? And of course some of our authors submit manuscripts as Word documents.

When it comes to the proposed change here, I don't think that really has any implications except that our documentation should make the point that any "Keywords" text appearing in a PDF are purely advisory when it comes to the article submission/publication process.

augustfly commented 4 years ago

@pkgw I might say "purely advisory" or "exclusively for the preparation of a preprint version of the manuscript" and "the published article's final UAT concepts will be collected as part the submission process".

(more to at:world) Folks can still use old keywords if they want (as they can use emulateapj if they want), but a change like this to AASTeX has the advantage of highlighting the existence of the UAT and porting more folks over to it. I'm super excited to see it get out in the wild more.