eCVI Data Exchange Standard (Starting with version 2)
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[v2.3] Requirement of non-empty Accession Number #61

Closed MichaelJRussell closed 2 years ago

MichaelJRussell commented 3 years ago

As we test our current XML generation process against the v2.3 schema, we found one issue, and that is that we have some very small number of CVIs which contain tests from "named labs", where accession numbers were not provided. In v2.2, the schema required the AccessionNumber attribute on the Laboratory element, but there was no verification that it was non-empty. Now, with v2.3, the type has been changed to nonNullString in order to enforce the expectation that something be provided in that attribute.

Looking at the data, many of these situations seem to be in-house testing at veterinary clinics/hospitals, as opposed to dedicated diagnostic laboratories, which seem to be better suited to the Field element.

In the odd situation where an accession number is not provided, is it acceptable to provide some fallback text for AccessionNumber, such as "Not provided", etc?

mkm1879 commented 3 years ago

I'd like to hear from others on the committee but I think this might be acceptable other than for equine certificates where the Coggins accession number has long been required.

MichaelJRussell commented 2 years ago

I believe this has been answered by #61, unless others from the group have further comments.

mkm1879 commented 2 years ago

Agree. Missed that. It was in the January release.