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Order of Stars When Creating a Star Group #287

Open dbenn opened 2 years ago

dbenn commented 2 years ago

Rich Krahling reported this during the most recent CHOICE course:

I created a Star Group for the Binocular Program stars. I used the "Add Group and Stars" button and then pasted the list of stars in the order they're listed on the AAVSO Excel/CSV file. When searching, they get re-ordered alphabetically by first character in the entry, not by constellation. Is it possible to maintain the order of the stars as input?

The series I pasted in there was:

EG And,V0370 And,tet Aps,R Aqr,R Aql,UU Aur,psi 1 Aur,R Boo,RV Boo,RW Boo,RX Boo,FG Boo,X Cnc,RS Cnc,RT Cnc,V CVn,Y CVn,TU CVn,W CMa,VY CMa,RT Cap,R Car,S Car,U Car,AG Car,BO Car,BZ Car,CK Car,EV Car,HR Car,IX Car,ASAS J110135-6102.9,V0465 Cas,rho Cas,R Cen,T Cen,RV Cen,V0744 Cen,V0766 Cen,V0854 Cen,W Cep,RW Cep,SS Cep,AR Cep,miu Cep,T Cet,omi Cet,tet Cir,R CrB,RR CrB,SV Crv,RU Crt,BH Cru,W Cyg,RS Cyg,AF Cyg,CH Cyg,V0460 Cyg,V1070 Cyg,U Del,CT Del,EU Del,R Dor,AY Dor,RY Dra,TX Dra,UX Dra,AH Dra,Z Eri,RR Eri,BM Eri,BR Eri,TV Gem,BU Gem,pi 1 Gru,X Her,ST Her,UW Her,AC Her,IQ Her,OP Her,V0939 Her,g Her,R Hya,U Hya,V Hya,Y Hya,RT Hya,RV Hya,CL Hyi,T Ind,R Leo,R Lep,S Lep,RX Lep,Y Lyn,SV Lyn,CE Lyn,XY Lyr,HK Lyr,T Mic,CF Mic,U Mon,X Mon,RV Mon,SX Mon,BO Mus,X Oph,V0533 Oph,W Ori,BL Ori,BQ Ori,S Pav,Y Pav,GO Peg,PV Peg,SU Per,CI Phe,R Pic,Z Psc,TV Psc,V0407 Pup,L2 Pup,WX Ret,RY Sgr,UX Sgr,V1943 Sgr,AH Sco,BM Sco,V0905 Sco,SW Scl,R Sct,tau 4 Ser,Y Tau,RX Tel,BL Tel,W Tri,X TrA,DM Tuc,Z UMa,RY UMa,ST UMa,TV UMa,VW UMa,V UMi,GO Vel,MN Vel,RT Vir,RW Vir,SS Vir,SW Vir,BK Vir,FP Vir,FI Vul
dbenn commented 2 years ago

We could generalise this to allow different orderings but an underlying default which is the order of entry.

dbenn commented 2 months ago

An alternative is to always order by constellation name first and first name second, e.g. for:

R Boo,RV Boo,RW Boo,RX Boo,FG Boo,UU Aur,psi 1 Aur

the ordering would become:

psi 1 Aur,UU Aur,FG Boo,R Boo,RV Boo,RW Boo,RX Boo