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Provide means to know the valid names for columns used in VeLa filter #324

Closed orionlee closed 1 year ago

orionlee commented 1 year ago

It'd be great if there is some way to know the names for the columns to be used in a VeLa filter.

Right now one can find out some of them from the examples in user manual or wiki, but one cannot know easily if a column can be used in VeLa filter, and if so, the valid spelling. E.g., can one filter on calendar date?

It might be a headache to document them, given they are source specific.

One possibility is that VStar UI provides a list of valid names for the current source.

dbenn commented 1 year ago

The list in the dialog UI was not being populated early. Fixed that.

dbenn commented 1 year ago

There are names appearing by default that should not be since each source is different, e.g. obscode will appear in AID data but not in TESS.

dbenn commented 1 year ago

This requires some thought to implement properly. Working through a few approaches. In principle should be simple, but less so than I'd like.

orionlee commented 1 year ago

@dbenn Maybe I misunderstand how the issue is addressed. But when I run the latest VStar on master (d2d2317d) , and open a TESS SPOC or QLP fits file, and use View > VeLa Filter


In contrast, the drop down for regular expression filter reflects the actual available columns:


dbenn commented 1 year ago

Thanks @orionlee. Investigating.

dbenn commented 1 year ago

@orionlee: as per the new pull request, I've fixed the arbitrary column names case. I've also removed obscode as a special case. There are other names than columns no matter what the data source, e.g. as a convenience for time (t, jd, ...), magnitude (mag), and band (shortband, e.g. V vs Johnson V), series (can be the same as band, but not always, specifically when a user defined series is created, e.g. from a filter). Some names have underscores added for VeLa but are mapped back to the underlying name.