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Add property-based unit tests and mutation testing support #392

Closed dbenn closed 5 months ago

dbenn commented 6 months ago

There are a number of places where property-based testing could find hidden bugs in VStar, such as in VeLa and in calculations where invariants or post-conditions can be expressed as properties. Awhile ago I experimented with a few JUnit based property-based tests (PBTs) but dependencies would have required a lot of change to UTs and potentially incompatible licences.

There are a few PBT frameworks/libraries for Java including:

The first 3 are integrated with various versions of JUnit, later than we currently use.

https://github.com/quicktheories/QuickTheories is relatively simple and powerful (includes shrinking all Python hypothesis and some other libraries) DSL-style library under Apache 2.0, so I will start with that.

dbenn commented 5 months ago

A property based test revealed that a VeLa expression such as 42--4 yielded 42 since --4 was treated as a comment.

Given that # and -- are both single-line comments, I decided to disallow -- for VeLa comments and just use #. I changed example and test VeLa scripts that used -- to use #.