Store was premiered at KotlinConf’19. 100+ have contributed. 2.6k+ have starred. Used in production broadly. Store4 simplifies data loading and caching on Android. Recently we released Store5. It is a KMP implementation of Google’s offline-first guidance and a general solution for reading, writing, and resolving data conflicts. With support for updating remote data sources, network resilience, conflict resolution, and a highly extensible API, Store5 simplifies reading and writing data on all Kotlin platforms.
[x] Confirmed that two spaces were added at the end of the description to break a new line.
Store was premiered at KotlinConf ’19. 100+ have contributed. 2.6k+ have starred. Used in production broadly. Store4 simplifies data loading and caching on Android. Recently we released Store5. It is a KMP implementation of Google’s offline-first guidance and a general solution for reading, writing, and resolving data conflicts. With support for updating remote data sources, network resilience, conflict resolution, and a highly extensible API, Store5 simplifies reading and writing data on all Kotlin platforms.