AAkira / Napier

Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform
Apache License 2.0
786 stars 34 forks source link

Napier 0.0.5 is now compiled with 1.3.40, thus cannot be used with 1.3.31 #17

Closed yshrsmz closed 5 years ago

yshrsmz commented 5 years ago

Got following error while building iOS app.

: skipping /Users/vagrant/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.aakira/napier-ios/0.0.5/a09fe8774ff1c9cc6c793a1414a756d25ab65299/napier-ios-0.0.5.klib. The abi versions don't match. Expected '[8]', found '9'

w: The compiler versions don't match either. Expected '[1.2.1]', found '1.3-release-10826'


As you can see version publication date of 0.0.5 is Jun 26, which is strange.

It looks like 0.0.5 was re-compiled with 1.3.40 and re-uploaded while releasing 0.0.6. Could you re-upload 0.0.5 compiled with Kotlin 1.3.31?

yshrsmz commented 5 years ago

I suggest you to bump library version to non-stable version(such as 0.0.7-SNAPSHOT as a part of post-release process.

AAkira commented 5 years ago

I'm so sorry. I fixed it.