AAkira / Napier

Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform
Apache License 2.0
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Imported declaration 'SharedNapierNapierLevel' could not be mapped to 'NapierNapier.Level' #54

Open PhilipDukhov opened 3 years ago

PhilipDukhov commented 3 years ago

I'm using Napier for Android/iOS multiplatform project. I'm getting such warning on __attribute__((swift_name("NapierNapier.Level"))) line. Also when I tried to pass NapierNapier.Level as a parameter of crashlyticsAddLog lambda, kotlin didn't generated an initializer in obj-c code at all. I've tried some simple enums in my shared code, and those are available in my iOS code, so It's strange that enum from Napier is not. Perfectly I'd like to use the enum, but at least I don't want that warning in Xcode, when I pass Int.