AAkira / Napier

Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform
Apache License 2.0
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Wrong stack trace index after using Swift wrapper #86

Closed PhilipDukhov closed 3 years ago

PhilipDukhov commented 3 years ago

I would like to use Napier in iOS part as well. This is not very convenient because Kotlin Native has some limitations:

  1. The converted code cannot have default parameters, so I had to specify throwable and tag in every call.
  2. The converted code cannot be used as a static function, and shared/Companion() must be specified manually.
  3. Because of the () -> String methods, the argument name tag cannot be used in both cases, and the String variant has the name tag_.

So my log code can look like this:

Napier.shared.d(message: "", throwable: nil, tag_: nil)

As far as I know, you can't do anything about these problems in kotlin part. That's why I wrote such a wrapper in Swift:

extension Napier {
    static func d(tag: String? = nil, _ items: Any..., separator: String = " ") {
        shared.d(message: items.joined(separator: separator), throwable: nil, tag_: tag)

Everything works as expected, with one exception: because you use a constant stack trace index, the function name calculation is no longer correct.

I thought about adding another optional parameter to all calls that would indicate the shift in wrappers like mine, something like this:

fun d(message: String, throwable: Throwable? = null, tag: String? = null, stackTraceIndexShift: Int = 0) {
    // ...
extension Napier {
    static func d(tag: String? = nil, _ items: Any..., separator: String = " ") {
        shared.d(message: items.joined(separator: separator), throwable: nil, tag_: tag, stackTraceIndexShift: 1)

But maybe you can come up with a more elegant solution

PhilipDukhov commented 3 years ago

I found out that I can use log instead of a specific version, which will decrease the stack trace count to expected, but this still doesn't work as expected because iOS stack trace format is different from the kotlin one:

6   Napier 0x0000000100869644 kfun:io.github.aakira.napier.Napier#d(kotlin.String;kotlin.Throwable?;kotlin.String?){} + 280
7   Napier 0x0000000100913d28 objc2kotlin.259 + 252
8   Napier 0x00000001007f0e6c $s6Napier14ViewControllerC9configure33_527BB3C17EFDCFA47CE221EFAC2390B7LLyyF + 752

I'll try to parse it correctly and come back with the pull request