AAlhendi1707 / countToFPKM

Convert Counts to Fragments per Kilobase of Transcript per Million (FPKM)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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More information - How to calculate meanFragmentLength #1

Closed sagarutturkar closed 5 years ago

sagarutturkar commented 5 years ago


Thank you for providing this as a package and will help to streamline the calculations across users. I have seen some students performing wrong calculation.

  1. Can you please include the example data files (counts, annotations, sample_metric)?

  2. Picard CollectInsertSizeMetrics has columns:

    ....and so on

    For the meanFragmentLength are you referring to MEAN_INSERT_SIZE column? Just need to confirm since there could be different interpretations for fragment/insert.

Thank you.

AAlhendi1707 commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I have added an example RNA-seq dataset to the package that can be used to validate your work. See README.md for the usage example.

The fragment length is determined by your sequencing protocol. It’s more or less the distance between the two paired reads (including the read lengths, minus any overlap). For a typical long RNA-seq library prep it’s often in the order of 300–600 bp. You can run Picard’s CollectInsertSizeMetrics tool on your aligned BAM files to find the mean fragment length.

Also read this paper for more info about the fragment lenght calculation.

sagarutturkar commented 5 years ago

Thank you! This is helpful!!

JonDo352 commented 4 years ago

Hi AAlhendi1707,

I have searched this problem over and over, and I keep getting routed back to this page. How does one convert from MEAN_INSERT_SIZE to meanFragmentLength? I have seen your posted example, but I am still having trouble understanding this. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Counts-Xin commented 3 years ago

Thank you! This is helpful!!

so,that means mean INSERT_SIZE plus 2*adapter?

sherry308 commented 3 years ago

Can you please explain in detail how to get fragments size from Piccard. If it it insert size + adapter length, Where I will get information related rot adapter length?

Sanataniitb commented 2 years ago

The [CollectInsertSizeMetrics(Picard)] tool requires input BAM/SAM file for finding out the mean fragment length. Where as I have only the count matrix file. Is there any way to find the mean fragment length if I only have the count matrix file.

Nairobi-2020 commented 1 year ago

https://www.biostars.org/p/83901/ for whole transcriptome, this thread is helpful.

Nairobi-2020 commented 1 year ago

I do not think we need to consider insertion size, etc. It evens out in large number. Just the panel that selects regions, and how long of the panel is on the gene.

camilla0801 commented 11 months ago

Hi, I don't understand the output of Picard. How do I get meanFragmentLengthfrom MEAN_INSERT_SIZE? in my case it's a number and it does not make any sense.