Closed iambankaratharva closed 3 years ago
Hi, I have very little experience with Colab, and have never done anything relating to custom paths there.
But this is where saving is done in my code:
... and that in turn calls this function to save each network individually in pieces:
!python /content/drive/MyDrive/ToDayGAN/ --continue_train --which_epoch 75 --name cars --checkpoints_dir /content/drive/MyDrive/ToDayGAN/checkpoints --dataroot /content/drive/MyDrive/ToDayGAN/datasets/d2n --n_domains 2 --niter 100 --niter_decay 0 --save_epoch_freq 25
Want to know where should I change the path such that it corresponds to my drive in the code. I've already tested car images on pre-trained model by changing the paths but am not able to figure out where i should make changes in path for saving the trained model?