Closed dsizomin closed 8 years ago
Interesting. Thanks for the report. I wonder if SecItemAdd
fails because that particular is already in the key store (since you just generated it). That would explain why the error is 0 (since it didn't really fail, it just didn't need to happen). If that's the case, I expect we can get PclCrypto to work with that. Can you confirm, perhaps by saving a public key and then restoring it from a file and importing it later (another session of your app, perhaps)?
I don't have an iOS 9 beta device or else I might try this myself.
Generating key was added in my example just for the sake of demonstration. In real scenario, we import key in base64 format, and it breaks as well. Here is example:
IAsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider algorithmProvider = WinRTCrypto.AsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(AsymmetricAlgorithm.RsaSignPkcs1Sha256);
byte[] publicKey = Convert.FromBase64String(@"MIIBCgKCAQEAwFEZOEUWzpPxy0WEafdL2yDDcTympXmUTnbYGfUDH3LMtMr3qNF5B6VWWDuOEd29ApkB6EsBbiUn0GRAeQU250JV3wwz9JPTTw0tBcs5fohKlAFGNQKH5UtSzUw549Fv5wZfBwTGlXZheadSmZ6W7uOD4LtYdtsvZyDgGae51g0BKgbzi08g+gbKjBo+9WpS80S6pMc/YQvVAMVB7g9+MlK3PKIXjyQdfgmMe+5Jn1cGX3DiH6T5P2+iQQY4xGad69c/BaMRVIsP2TESOeINGdPxBiMxmmnMgHz5OjQ5sg+Il+zoJgjV2QECzbtIIZnsoTa5XE1jyP5xqSqq7TrnsQIDAQAB");
ICryptographicKey importedKey = algorithmProvider.ImportPublicKey(publicKey, CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType.Pkcs1RsaPublicKey);
Besides that, AFAIK, adding the item to keychain which already exists should result in status errSecDuplicateItem -25299 (according to Apple documentation).
Today I reproduced the issue on iOS9 emulator. I think I'll be able to test on real device tomorrow and confirm if it the case on it.
Hmmm... Well Apple's official position is that importing keys at all is unsupported. The way PCLCrypto does it anyway is a well-known backdoor approach, but it may be that Apple is finally choosing to close it. Or it's just an iOS 9 bug. I suggest you also file an issue with them so that at least they have a chance to fix it on their end as well.
I tried to do pretty same stuff but with objective C, and it seems like it's really a change in iOS. The following code works as expected on iOS 8.4, but on iOS 9 CFTypeRef result remains 0x0:
NSString *base64data = @"MIIBCQKCAQDAURk4RRbOk/HLRYRp90vbIMNxPKaleZROdtgZ9QMfcsy0yveo0XkHpVZYO44R3b0CmQHoSwFuJSfQZEB5BTbnQlXfDDP0k9NPDS0Fyzl+iEqUAUY1AoflS1LNTDnj0W/nBl8HBMaVdmF5p1KZnpbu44Pgu1h22y9nIOAZp7nWDQEqBvOLTyD6BsqMGj71alLzRLqkxz9hC9UAxUHuD34yUrc8ohePJB1+CYx77kmfVwZfcOIfpPk/b6JBBjjEZp3r1z8FoxFUiw/ZMRI54g0Z0/EGIzGaacyAfPk6NDmyD4iX7OgmCNXZAQLNu0ghmeyhNrlcTWPI/nGpKqrtOuexAgMBAAE=";
NSData *decodedData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:base64data options:0];
CFUUIDRef udid = CFUUIDCreate(NULL);
NSString *udidString = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) CFUUIDCreateString(NULL, udid);
NSData* atag = [udidString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSDictionary *query =
(__bridge id)kSecClass : (__bridge id)kSecClassKey,
(__bridge id)kSecAttrApplicationTag : atag,
(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyType : (__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
(__bridge id)kSecAttrAccessible : (__bridge id)kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked,
(__bridge id)kSecValueData : decodedData,
(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyClass : (__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyClassPublic,
(__bridge id)kSecReturnRef : [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
CFTypeRef result = nil;
OSStatus status = SecItemAdd((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)query, &result);
I think I will file that to Apple guys to see if it's a bug or expected behavior on iOS 9.
Thanks. Let us know how it goes. And if iOS 9 intends to keep their current behavior, I hope they can suggest a workaround for us.
after the official iOS 9 release, I still got the same error as dsizomin (InvalidOperationException: "SecItemAdd returns 0") when importing a public key. Is there any progress here?
@dsizomin: What is Apple's statement in this case?
Best regards, Thomas
Sorry for making you guys wait.
A month ago I submitted a bug report to Apple (#22228229 iOS9 : SecItemAdd does not initialize 'CFTypeRef result' parameter). Recently Apple closed this issue as duplicate of bug #21810530.
However, because of security reasons and blah-blah Apple does not allow you to explore bugs opened by other people, so I have no chance to find out the state of original bug.
I'm still trying to get the answer from Apple, but as iOS9 is released, and the issue is still there, most likely, we got to find a workaround for that.
Best regards, Denys
Dang. I don't have time (nor an iOS 9 device) to research this. But I would appreciate a PR that fixes it.
Hi again,
after setting up the necessary development environment, I tried to start a little research about the error. My first approach was to debug into the PCLCrypto library to understand what happened and when.
Then I asked google about the occurring error:
Using this information I changed the class PCLCrypto.Formatters.KeyFormatter (in PCLCrypto.Shared.Formatters directory) to this:
protected internal static RSAParameters NegotiateSizes(RSAParameters parameters)
if (HasPrivateKey(parameters))
if (CapiKeyFormatter.IsCapiCompatible(parameters))
// Don't change a thing. Everything is perfect.
return parameters;
// First change:
// iOS 9 needs an unchanged Modulus
// parameters.Modulus = TrimLeadingZero(parameters.Modulus);
parameters.D = TrimLeadingZero(parameters.D);
int keyLength = Math.Max(parameters.Modulus.Length, parameters.D.Length);
parameters.Modulus = TrimOrPadZeroToLength(parameters.Modulus, keyLength);
parameters.D = TrimOrPadZeroToLength(parameters.D, keyLength);
int halfKeyLength = (keyLength + 1) / 2;
parameters.P = TrimOrPadZeroToLength(parameters.P, halfKeyLength);
parameters.Q = TrimOrPadZeroToLength(parameters.Q, halfKeyLength);
parameters.DP = TrimOrPadZeroToLength(parameters.DP, halfKeyLength);
parameters.DQ = TrimOrPadZeroToLength(parameters.DQ, halfKeyLength);
parameters.InverseQ = TrimOrPadZeroToLength(parameters.InverseQ, halfKeyLength);
// Second change:
// iOS 9 needs an unchanged Modulus
// else
// {
// parameters.Modulus = TrimLeadingZero(parameters.Modulus);
// }
parameters.Exponent = TrimLeadingZero(parameters.Exponent);
return parameters;
Then I compiled PCLCrypto portable and iOS and started testing. Because of Apple's "great" backward compatibility, I cannot test this fix on iOS 8.3 (Downgrade not possible anymore), but on
and it works!
@AArnott: What is your opinion about this?
Unfortunately, I don't have time to test this fix on other platforms, like Android etc. :-(
I'll review and get back to you, @FunThom. Thanks for sharing. I have an older iPhone that I may be able to test this on.
Hi there @AArnott ! Are you trying to solve this issue? We've got an application to distribute and this problem ruined it. Have you tested the solution of @FunThom ? I've tested with no positive result.
I haven't been able to get Xamarin to work for me lately, at all. :( So no progress to report from my side.
Hi AArnott, our xamarin.forms (iOS/android) application is also getting this error. Any work around yet?
Hi there @AArnott ! I think I've discovered what was going on and was able to solve this issue. I've tried the @FunThom solution but it did not work for me. This was the solution that worked for me:
First i was having problems with the compilation of the PCLCrypto. So i've updated xamarin to the latest Beta version (now a Stable one) and then I was able to solve that "NSDictionary...set_item" compilation error (now Xamarin.iOS is 9.1). Then i've searched your code and found that in the Pkcs1KeyFormatter class there is a property called "prependLeadingZeroOnCertainElements", that was false by default. I've changed it to true and now i can encrypt messages with iOS 9/9.1.
Now my main problem is that I cannot test this in iOS < 9.1 and was unable to detect what version of the OS is being executed to define that variable as true/false depending on it being 9 or 8 and below. Can you help me with this issue?
Thanks for sharing, @fmcosta66. I haven't had luck with Xamarin compiling Android or iOS lately. But I'll be working at it this weekend and will try out what you're suggesting.
One more thing...i was able to test in a iOS 8.4 emulator and it worked, even without any specific code for each of the iOS versions. So maybe the answer is really this one. Hope you can confirm that...
Can you use #if IOS and #endif, then check the version using dependencyservice with - UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(9, 0) or UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion.
I think you can use javascript solve this problem , see
@fmcosta66 We can't change the default parameter value because that would cause KeyFormatter
's two fields Pkcs1PrependZeros
and Pkcs1
to mean the same thing. It would make more sense to redirect users of Pkcs1
to Pkcs1PrependZeros
where it makes sense. Do you happen to know which callers need the behavior?
We also have to consider that this code is shared across most of the platforms, so unless the change works on all of them, we'll have to put #if
around the changes.
I am actively working on this. It's not all fixed yet.
Fixed in v1.0 branch with 0ccfa0d1
Alright, v1.0.86 is on with this fixed as far as I've been able to test. Please confirm and comment whether you have good or bad news.
I installed v1.0.86 and it is working for me on iOS devices with iOS9.1 and iOS7.1.2, and on android devices with kitkat 4.4.2 & 4.4.4. Thank you.
Yay! Thanks for confirming, @asheffield !
I found a solution, in the hope that useful to you。
@mrhyh The solution you refer to indicates the need to add a leading 0 to the modulus. That's already part of the fix I've published. Is it not working for you?
Yes! It is working for me.
I am recently running into this exact same issue, I downloaded the latest source code and noticed that the changes implemented from this fix have been removed? Is this due to a limitation on iOS itself or should there be another way to properly import RSA Keys?
This was a while back, but IIRC the early fix was removed in favor of a generally more reliably handling of leading zeros. What version of pclcrypto are you using when you see the problem? (hint: it might not be the version of source code at the tip of master)
Thanks for your quick response, I'm using the latest stable release from NuGet (2.0.147). We are creating the Keypair within the app and then the app crashes at ImportPublicKey with the following exception.
Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: SecItemAdd return 0 at PCLCrypto.RsaAsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.ImportPublicKey (System.Byte[] keyBlob, PCLCrypto.CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType blobType)
The keypair is created by calling:
asym = AsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(AsymmetricAlgorithm.RsaPkcs1);
key = asym.CreateKeyPair(512);
var publicKey = key.ExportPublicKey();
var publicKeyString = Convert.ToBase64String(publicKey);
and the crash occurs here:
var pubKey = asym.ImportPublicKey(Convert.FromBase64String(publicKeyString),CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType.Pkcs1RsaPublicKey);
I was just reading through the changelog for version 2.0 since this was fixed in version 1.0 and I noticed a few changes to the leading zeros issue, removing Mono.Security and changes for non-CAPI compliant RSA keys. I just wasn't sure if one of those changes is what caused this fix to no longer work. (Unless there is something else we need to be doing)
since this was fixed in version 1.0
Do you mean that PCLCrypto 1.0 currently works on iOS 9 but 2.0.147 does not?
We are creating the Keypair within the app and then the app crashes at ImportPublicKey
This is interesting. The issues I was recalling was with key pair interop across platforms. So creating and using the key pair within the iOS app should work -- the fact that it's not suggests iOS (once again) changed and broke something, which will have to be re-investigated.
Sorry no, I tried installing PCLCrypto 1.0 and that doesn't work on iOS 9, was only mentioning that I understand that the fix for this particular issue was implemented in version 1.0. So I thought that something might have changed in version 2.0.147.
Version 2.0.147 installs and works fine, just crashes when attempting to import a public key.
I can't say how many weeks may go by before I get a chance to spin up my mac mini and investigate this on the latest iOS 9 emulator. But as has happened a couple times before, if someone in the community can send a PR that fixes this (and fixes or adds a unit test to cover it), I'd be happy to review and accept the PR.
My app crash only in iOS 9 + version when i'm trying Sign bytes with my Private key, i´m using PCL Crypto Version 2.0.147.. Any Solutions?? WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.Sign(cryptoKey, bytes);
@afilipea Given your crash is different (signing rather than importing) (and this issue is closed), please file a new issue.
I'm using PCLCrypto to verify RSA signature on Android/iOS. After tests in iOS9 Beta it appeared that importing public key is not working on iOS9. The exact result is InvalidOperationException "SecItemAdd returns 0".
The strange thing is that return result (OSStatus) is 0, which means "no error". However, the reference handle which has to be set by SecItemAdd is 0. Please refer to the code below:
Any thoughts or ideas how to overcome this issue?
Thanks in advance! Denys