Open AArnott opened 4 years ago
There may be a race condition here. Is a PR stable
or clean
as soon as it's opened but before checks are added to it? If so, how can we know when it's safe to merge?
When #26 was labeled, the notification included mergeable_state = 'clean'
even though checks hadn't completed yet:
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I sent the GitHub folks an email asking for their advice.
I think one minimal way we could solve it is to assume that checks exist and to not complete before the check_run result comes after a PR opens or is synchronized. If there were no branch checks, auto-complete becomes much less interesting anyway since folks are likely able to simply complete the PR without waiting and therefore don't need auto-approval.
Another workaround is that branch protection policies can be applied to forbid PRs merging before certain checks complete.
I got this from GitHub support. It sounds like there may be a way to at least partly resolve this:
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for pointing this out! I did inquire internally about this and I'm afraid there is no way to be 100% sure if the branches are not protected branches .
However, there are two cases i.e Statuses , and Checks . For statuses , there's no way to know this for sure since statuses are created only by integrators. For checks , you could fetch the list of check suites for the commit. If a repository has a GitHub App installed and that App requested permissions for Checks , then we assume that the App will create checks and for each commit, GitHub creates a new Check suite in a pending state. Then the integrator creates check runs for that check suite. So, fetching the list of check suites should give you the checks that are expected on a commit.
Note that both the API and UI will show you the same information (via the Checks API in the API) and both the API and UI allow you to merge a PR if it doesn't have protected branches, regardless of checks.
Let me know if this helps!
Regards Peter
When an auto-completing label is applied to a new PR before GitHub has added the Checks to it, the
notification our webhook gets indicates thatmergeable_state="clean"
, so we may immediately merge the PR rather than waiting for Checks to be added and then complete.This PR auto-merge'd before checks were complete: