AB-CE / abce

Agent-based computational Economics, the Python library that makes AB modelling easier
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Walk Trough doc page is not correct/outdated? #189

Closed ipcoder closed 4 years ago

ipcoder commented 4 years ago

Functions mentioned in https://abce.readthedocs.io/en/master/Walk_through.html are not found in the Simulation class, like

simulation.declare_round_endowment(resource='labor_endowment', units=1, product='labor')

as well as also mentioned below in the text abcEconomics.Simulation.declare_service() and abcEconomics.Simulation.declare_round_endowment()

That leads to errors running examples, like CCE.

Can you clarify from the design point of view, does that mean principal changes in dealing with resources? Thanks

rht commented 4 years ago

Yeah the walkthrough is outdated.