AB1908 / GOG-Galaxy-Export-Script

Export your list of games from GOG Galaxy
MIT License
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[Suggestion] How about turn this to gog galaxy integration plugin #59

Open quangkieu opened 2 years ago

quangkieu commented 2 years ago

As a source plug-in, the tool to could export and read exported csv file to gog

AB1908 commented 2 years ago

That takes a smarter man than me. I was honestly surprised that we couldn't export our stuff, hence this script.

quangkieu commented 2 years ago

how about merge your code with this https://github.com/AndrewDWhite/GalaxyGenericImporterPlugin? So that would handle the import, your code just do the export

TheMelmacian commented 2 years ago

Interesting idea but I think the better option would be to ask the developer(s) of the GalaxyGenericImporterPlugin to add support to import from csv files. That way you could import games from any text based list including the export result of this script.

We are not familiar with the official plugin API or the code of the GenericImporterPlugin, so for us this needs a lot more time, work and investigation.

If some additional data is needed in the exported file, so it can be correctly parsed and imported, we are happy to help and extend the export script if possible.