[x] easy and fast : increase max char in database of this field (and do not care about the big size)
[ ] medium : draw one big white rectangle in background (instead of multiple little), divise by 2 the number of characters
[ ] hard and long : save only our own custom json, save and load function for all objects (and ingore the size, colors : only destiniation, origins and paths) and recreate on load. (old saved map will cause bug !)
Draw a lot of user object, particulary pedestrian cause a big json string and database cuts characters (example of map : id:195 -> OneBigPedestrian)
For one little pedestrian it's about 25ko.. For all squares of pedestrian, the color / symbol / attribute are saved and id (to recognize from which pedestrian the rectangle was created). http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/?id=788a81adeba70e7a49ea8abafa2bff3b
Solution :