ABAtanasov / GalerkinSparseGrids.jl

Sparse Grid Discretization with the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for solving PDEs
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how to run the examples #3

Open yoczhang opened 6 years ago

yoczhang commented 6 years ago

I'm new about Julia, I have Pkg.add("ODE.jl") and Pkg.add("Cubature.jl"), also the Pkg.clone("git://github.com/ABAtanasov/GalerkinSparseGrids.jl") is successfully. But I do not know how to run the examples, could you give me some suggestion?

ABAtanasov commented 6 years ago

Can you elaborate what you mean by "examples"? Do you mean the code snippets in the README or something else (perhaps the traveling wave example script)? I'm planning on adding an example folder with actual coded examples in the near future, but for now (to my knowledge) there are no examples to run beyond the README.

yoczhang commented 6 years ago

yeah, I mean that could you give me some example scripts to call the codes and finally give the numerical results, such as the figures displayed in the paper "Sparse Grid Discretizations based on a Discontinuous Galerkin Method".

eschnett commented 6 years ago

@yoczhang Welcome to the repository! You might be the first external visitor to come across this project. Out of curiosity – do you have particular plans with sparse grids?

yoczhang commented 6 years ago

@eschnett Actually, I'm just doing DG-related problems, but only using MATLAB programs. The for loops are used in my programs, especially for general meshes. So I want to change to C or C++ programs. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with C++. Then I try to learn Julia. Maybe the sparse grid discretization is also a good choice to reduce the dofs in DG.