ABCD-STUDY / analysis-nda

Collection of scripts to analyze ABCD release data
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Mislabeled columns in DEAP datasets #6

Open Shotgunosine opened 5 years ago

Shotgunosine commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much for releasing all of this great data. I am woking with some of the imaging data and I found 8 columns in the NDA hosted release of the DEAP datasets that appear to have the NDA variable names instead of the DEAP variable names. Is this the correct place to post this kind of issue?

source_file current_DEAP_name fixed_name
abcd_smrip101 smri_t1wcnt_cdk_rrmdfrlh smri_t1w.contrast_cort.desikan_rostralmiddlefrontal.lh
abcd_dti_p101 dmri_dtimdgm_cdsn_rncntelh
abcd_midr1bwp201 tfmri_mr1_asrvn_bcdk_cdmdftrh tfmri_mid_run1_antic.small.reward.vs.neutral_beta_cort.desikan_caudalmiddlefrontal.rh
midr2bwp201 tfmri_mr2_asrvn_bcdk_clmdfrh tfmri_mid_run2_antic.small.reward.vs.neutral_beta_cort.desikan_caudalmiddlefrontal.rh
nback_bwroi02 tfmri_nback_all_465 tfmri_nback_all_place_beta_cort.desikan_rostralanteriorcingulate.rh
nbackallsem01 tfmrinbackallsem_473 tfmri_nback_all_place_sem_cort.desikan_transversetemporal.rh
nbackr1sem01 tfmri_nback_r1sem_465 tfmri_nback_run1_place_sem_cort.desikan_rostralanteriorcingulate.rh
nbackr2sem01 tfmrinbr2pscdkracgerh tfmri_nback_run2_place_sem_cort.desikan_rostralanteriorcingulate.rh
HaukeBartsch commented 5 years ago

Sorry for missing your email for so long. Yes, here is a good place to post this issue. We will have a look and update the csv file.