Open zakirhussainwarsi opened 4 years ago
Hi! You need to have this event, as I think (replace DATABASE::AWR_Box with your table) :
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"Integration Management", 'OnIsIntegrationRecord', '', true, true)]
local procedure HandleOnIsIntegrationRecord(TableID: Integer; var isIntegrationRecord: Boolean)
if TableID = DATABASE::AWR_Box then
isIntegrationRecord := true;
I hope this message finds you well. I'm having issues integrating the dataverse... all is set on the BC (Business Connect) side of things except for this. I hope you can help. Thanks much :)
PS F:\ALProjectDataverse> C:\users"user".vscode\extensions\\bin\altpgen.exe -project:F:\ALProjectDataverse -packagecachepath:F:\ALProjectDataverse.alpackages -serviceuri:https://****** -entities:cr55c_job_test -baseid:50000 -tabletype:CDS
Microsoft (R) AL Table Proxy Generator version Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
Authenticating CDS using ServiceUri=https://****** error CDS0001:
hello ,
i hope you are well, I'm facing problem while doing integration with CRM using CDS (Table Types CDS).
Error which i am getting during integration table is not register