ABenassi87 / ngx-text-diff

A Text Diff component for Angular
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Allow overridding CSS and allow user to pass in classes and or styles #18

Closed paustint closed 5 years ago

paustint commented 5 years ago
  1. We should probably export the CSS to an individual stylesheet and require the user to import it into their styles.css
    1. This would allow users to provide their own CSS instead and theme the components on their own.
    2. This will require ensuring that CSS classnames are very specific (e.x. no collisions with other class names from other libraries)
  2. We should allow the user to pass in classes and or styles that would be applied to various components. I am not sure exactly which components we would want to allow this for, but I have one thought:
    1. Example: I want to have a margin between the two comparison sections