ABenassi87 / ngx-text-diff

A Text Diff component for Angular
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Customize "Show line with diffs only" #27

Open Zakouille opened 4 years ago

Zakouille commented 4 years ago

Hey, it's my second post here.

Still using that really cool tool :)

About the "Show line with diffs only" feature, would it be possible to make it show (in neutral color) the 3 previous lines and the 3 following lines of where the diff is located ?

This would help in putting more context when using that feature.

I can't really tell if it's easy to achieve or not.

Any insights or idea on that would be great!

Thanks for your help!

ABenassi87 commented 4 years ago

@Zakouille Hi, thanks for your feedback, I'm glad that this lib is useful for you. I will think about this feature, I will create a mockup and I will request you a feedback

Zakouille commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the fast answer! Sure, with pleasure!

Zakouille commented 4 years ago

Whenever you get the time to take a look at this, please write down a message here so I'm notified :) I understand this takes a lot of time, so definitely don't do it unless you can afford to with your IRL. Thanks again!