ABenassi87 / ngx-text-diff

A Text Diff component for Angular
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Version 0.6.0 no longer works for Angular 6 or 7 #51

Open lichtin opened 3 years ago

lichtin commented 3 years ago
node_modules/ngx-text-diff/lib/ngx-text-diff.component.d.ts(20,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
node_modules/ngx-text-diff/lib/ngx-text-diff.component.d.ts(21,9): error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.

I was hoping ngx-text-diff would work with Angular >= 6.

govindthakur25 commented 3 years ago

@lichtin 0.6.0 was released to support Angular 9 upgrade if you are still using Angular 6/7, then it would be better to stay at version 0.5.0. And yes, the 'peerDependencies' should be updated to reflect the same, I have opened an issue for it #49.

lichtin commented 3 years ago

I don't see this as a solution imho. ngx-text-diff should support Angular 6 and higher, there's no reason to restrict support to Angular 9 only. ngx-text-diff does not require any particular features specific to Angular 9.