ABenassi87 / ngx-text-diff

A Text Diff component for Angular
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typeof diff_match_patch issue #75

Open sxt90128 opened 4 months ago

sxt90128 commented 4 months ago

I installed with npm i ngx-text-diff --legacy-peer-deps and "diff-match-patch": "^1.0.4", I got an error when app build as:

Error: node_modules/ngx-text-diff/lib/ngx-text-diff.service.d.ts:5:17 - error TS2749: 'diff_match_patch' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof diff_match_patch'? diffParser: diff_match_patch;

Is that a version issue, I used Angular13.

abinthaha commented 1 month ago

@sxt90128 , @ABenassi87 , @paustint .. Am facing the same issue with Angular v14. Can you share if you were able to find any fixes.