ABrandau / Shattered-Paradise-SDK

Shattered Paradise's main repository and installation Kit.
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Commando-infantry tier units buff. #56

Open Punska opened 1 year ago

Punska commented 1 year ago

I suggest a buff for Commando-tier infantry units. They feel like a waste of resources now. In every CnC and Ra games commando units are very powerful against infantry. Now they are just a bit better infantry units with no "commando feel" in them. They die too easily and their damage is minimal. But AI targets them as a number 1 threat, but they really are not a real threat. ( in perspective: Experimental vehicles feel like their damage output is in in place, they are good and using them feel rewarding and AI threat targeting makes more sense.)

Doubling weapon output damage and adding more hp would make them feel more rewarding to play with. You still have buildlimit 1 for them so you can't cheese with them. You could make them more costly.

Commando tier units are: -Cyborg Commando -Jumpjet Commando -Gill The Ghost Stalker -Mastermind -Toxin Commando

dnqbob commented 1 year ago

-Cyborg Commando Front line unit that good at vehicle and infantry

-Jumpjet Commando Hit and run unit that remove structure and defense

-Gill The Ghost Stalker You cannot build it, it is an AI only unit, for meme

-Mastermind Classic C&C unit (cnc3), can mind control building, beast or fly unit

-Toxin Commando long range unit can kill infantry and slow target