AButler / upload-release-assets

GitHub Action to upload assets to a Release
MIT License
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Uploading to a draft release #10

Open AriaMoradi opened 3 years ago

AriaMoradi commented 3 years ago

When you try to upload to a draft release it trows the error "Error: Not Found".

my case: my workflow: https://github.com/AriaMoradi/Tachidesk/blob/d996c44b2425a7fc5fa00bba60e4953ef5e5aeed/.github/workflows/publish.yml the failed action: https://github.com/AriaMoradi/Tachidesk/actions/runs/566468422

portellaa commented 3 years ago

Hi @AriaMoradi Just for clarification, i'm not a maintainer or contributor, but i think i can help on this.

A draft release doesn't have a tag associated and the action uses it to find the release associated.

I think in the current implementation of the action, you may not be able to achieve what you want, my two cents.

Again, i'm not a contributor, i just use the action so wait for an official answer 🙇

AriaMoradi commented 3 years ago

Currently I satisfy my workflow needs with

      - name: Upload Release
        uses: xresloader/upload-to-github-release@master
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          file: "master/repo/*"
          tags: true
          draft: true
          verbose: true
Freezor commented 3 months ago


I'm a bit confused if this is still an issue or not. Because currently in my setup it still throws the same error. @mbrubeck could you help me on that?

mbrubeck commented 3 months ago

Yes, as far as I know this is still an issue. I worked around it by no longer using draft releases in my workflow.