ACCESS-Cloud-Based-InSAR / dem-stitcher

Download and merge DEM tiles
Apache License 2.0
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edge problem? I'm getting vertical of zero pixels at tile edge here #61

Closed sgk0 closed 1 year ago

sgk0 commented 1 year ago

I want to use the glo30 DEM with ISCE. I basically use the notebook here, 'staging for isce2', but with a boundary [-74, 41,-70, 44]. The result is a vertical line of 0 valued pixels (~1 pixel wide) going across the stitched tile at about the -72.00000 coordinate through the entire region. This results in a problem with ISCE2 processing. Here is a picture:


cmarshak commented 1 year ago

Dear @sgk0,

Thanks for sharing this. Will have to look into this. I think I understand the issue better after re-reading - it's not a 1 pixel wide DEM; it's an issue at the boundary between tiles within the DEM. Is that correct

Would help to get an idea of what version you are running. Hopefully the latest. Will probably check without the ISCE2 madness.


The ISCE2 portion of this tool is difficult to track down because the environment is finnicky. Likely it will be beyond the scope of what is supported.

I just ran the notebook you mentioned and it did run to completion producing a DEM. It's important you launch your notebook from a kernel with the particular ISCE2 environment because that ISCE2 notebook is sending ISCE2 subprocesses to the command line (needs to know how to run

Follow up questions:

A. Do you see this error of a line of data, when you run:

bounds =  [-74, 41,-70, 44]

X, p = stitch_dem(bounds,

i.e. what is the shape of X?

B. What version of this package are you running? Installed through conda?

sgk0 commented 1 year ago

"Thanks for sharing this. Will have to look into this. I think I understand the issue better after re-reading - it's not a 1 pixel wide DEM; it's an issue at the boundary between tiles within the DEM. Is that correct" Correct!


B. -I used v2.0.0

sgk0 commented 1 year ago

Upgraded to v2.5.0, looks like it works fine now.