Open rbeucher opened 1 year ago
Recipe fails because we need the NSDIC datasets. They need to be formatted from RAWOBS into OBS6 datasets PB is this will only work with PROJ 9.3 or greater.
esmvaltool data format NSIDC-0116-nh
esmvaltool data format NSIDC-0116-sh
@flicj191 when you have a chance can you try to create the OBS6 datasets with your dev environment? Should be an easy fix
@flicj191 can you check if the dataset is in CT11?
no its not, its a Tier3 dataset, no Tier3's in ct11
Is it in Kj13 then?
yes kj13
I got it failing on the second script, first script and preprocessing went through fine once I removed the dates on the area variable datasets.
mip: fx
preprocessor: extract
- {dataset: NSIDC-0116-nh, project: OBS6, type: reanaly, version: 4.1,
tier: 3} #, start_year: 1979, end_year: 2005}
- {dataset: OSI-450-nh, project: OBS, type: reanaly, version: v2,
tier: 2} #, start_year: 1979, end_year: 2005}
- {dataset: PIOMAS, project: OBS, type: reanaly, version: 2.1,
tier: 2} #, start_year: 1979, end_year: 2005}
though still possibly a projection problem..
shapely.errors.GEOSException: IllegalArgumentException: CGAlgorithmsDD::orientationIndex encountered NaN/Inf numbers
same as this issue no longer runs:
looks like the transformer switches xy so was giving inf numbers. see warning on this page:
currently testing with
self.transformer = Transformer.from_crs("WGS84","North_Pole_Stereographic",always_xy=True)
Any luck?
PR for one that add: Looks like the bot that runs it can't find the data where they are
Levante does not have the data? Gadi has, right @flicj191 ?
Yep, ran fine for me
Please check log in action workflow