ACCESS-NRI / access-esm1.5-configs

Standard ACCESS-ESM1.5 configurations released and supported by ACCESS-NRI
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Rearrange input directories #2

Open aidanheerdegen opened 2 months ago

aidanheerdegen commented 2 months ago

The ACCESS-ESM1.5 input directories inherit a structure from the COECMS experiments


``` $ tree -L 3 /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-esm1p5/ /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-esm1p5/ ├── common │   └── ocean │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   └── └── pre-industrial ├── atmosphere │   ├── BC_hi_1850_ESM1.anc │   ├── Bio_1850_ESM1.anc │   ├── biogenic_351sm.N96L38 │   ├── CABLE-AUX-1.4 │   ├── cable_vegfunc_N96.anc │   ├── DMS_conc.N96 │   ├── Ndep_1850_ESM1.anc │   ├── OCFF_1850_ESM1.anc │   ├── ozone_1850_ESM1.anc │   ├── qrclim.slt │   ├── qrclim.smow │   ├── qrparm.mask │   ├── qrparm.soil_igbp_vg │   ├── scycl_1850_ESM1_v4.anc │   ├── SOURCES │   ├── spec3a_lw_hadgem1_6on │   ├── spec3a_sw_hadgem1_6on │   ├── stasets │   ├── STASHmaster │   ├── sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38 │   ├── vertlevs_G3 │   └── volcts_18502000ave.dat ├── coupler │   ├── │   ├── cf_name_table.txt │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   └── ├── ice │   ├── │   ├── │   └── ├── ocean │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   └── └── restart ├── atmosphere ├── coupler ├── ice └── ocean 15 directories, 48 files ````

They need to be rearranged to permit versioning and organised by function.

For example, the ACCESS-OM2 configurations have a top level that separates by function

$ tree -L 2 /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/
├── ice
│   ├── grids
│   ├── initial_conditions
│   └── initial_conditions_biogeochemistry
├── ocean
│   ├── biogeochemistry
│   ├── chlorophyll
│   ├── grids
│   ├── initial_conditions
│   ├── processor_masks
│   ├── surface_salt_restoring
│   └── tides
├── README.txt
└── remapping_weights
    └── JRA55

and within each functional grouping it is split by extent and resolution, and then further by versions

$ tree -L 5 /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-om2/ocean/grids/bathymetry/
├── global.01deg
│   └── 2020.05.30
│       ├──
│       └──
├── global.025deg
│   ├── 2020.11.02
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── 2023.05.15
│       ├──
│       ├── README
│       └──
└── global.1deg
    └── 2020.10.22
aidanheerdegen commented 1 month ago

Here is a proposed directory structure

├── /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-esm1p5/
├── ocean/
│   ├── biogeochemistry/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──      
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           └──
│   ├── grids/
│   │   └── mosaic/
│   │       └── global.1deg/
│   │           └── 2020.05.19/
│   │               └──
│   ├── shortwave_penetration/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           └──
│   └── tides/
│       └── global.1deg/
│           └── 2020.05.19/
│               ├──
│               └──
├── atmosphere/
│   ├── land/
│   │   ├── biogeochem/
│   │   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │           ├── modis_phenology_csiro.txt
│   │   │           └── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv
│   │   ├── biogeophys/
│   │   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │           ├── def_soil_params.txt
│   │   │           └── def_veg_params.txt
│   │   ├── climatology/
│   │   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │           ├── qrclim.slt
│   │   │           └── qrclim.smow
│   │   ├── soiltype/
│   │   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │           └── qrparm.soil_igbp_vg
│   │   └── vegetation/
│   │       └── global.1deg/
│   │           └── 2020.05.19/
│   │               └── cable_vegfunc_N96.anc
│   ├── aerosol/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19  /
│   │           ├── ozone_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │           ├── BC_hi_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │           ├── Bio_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │           ├── biogenic_351sm.N96L38
│   │           └── scycl_1850_ESM1_v4.anc
│   ├── chemistry/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├── DMS_conc.N96
│   │           └── sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38
│   ├── grids/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├── qrparm.mask
│   │           └── vertlevs_G3
│   ├── spectral/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├── spec3a_lw_hadgem1_6on
│   │           └── spec3a_sw_hadgem1_6on
│   ├── forcing/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           └── volcts_18502000ave.dat
│   └── unknown/
│       ├── Ndep_1850_ESM1.anc
│       └── OCFF_1850_ESM1.anc
├── coupler/
│   ├── grids/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           └──
│   └── remapping_weights/
│       └── global.1deg/
│           └── 2020.05.19  /
│               ├──
│               ├──
│               ├──
│               ├──
│               ├──
│               ├──
│               └──
├── ice/
│   ├── grids/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├──
│   │           └──
│   └── climatology/
│       └── global.1deg/
│           └── 2020.05.19/
│               └──
├── stash/
│   ├── stasets
│   └── STASHmaster

It is viewable/editable here*%20%20JW*KJ%3DJ%5BQ%3DX%5BXU%2BXrmp_W%5CnXJ*Y%5D.ancZ.ncj_monthly_om1p5bcZ%22%2Fg%2Fdata%2Fvk83%2Fexperiments%2F%23Xocmip2%24ts%2Faccess-esm1p5%2FW%25cice_to_um1%26_to_cice%2B_CONSERV_FRACNNEIZ%2CWgrids%3A_bc-1-9999Z%23%3Bw_hadgem1_6on%3CatmosphereW%3Dglobal.1deg%3E_params.txt%3Fclimatology%40biogeochem%5B2020.05.19%5D_1850_ESM1%01%5D%5B%40%3F%3E%3D%3C%3B%3A%2C%2B%26%25%24%23%22jZYXWUQKJ)

I have just used the version (date) as the one in the COECMS access-esm original directory tree, but I know these are much older than that in general. I've also not checked all those dates thoroughly, just assumed they were all the same, but I would check when rearranging.

@MartinDix can you take a look and tell me what you think. I have pretty much ignored the fact that this is just the pre-industrial, and and waiting for another config to see what files are common and where we might need configuration specific trees.

Note I've done away with the historical "CABLE-AUX" structure, which would entail commensurate changes to paths in the config.

aidanheerdegen commented 1 month ago

On second thoughts, it probably makes sense to have pre-industrial in the top level and do the same for other configs, and then try and figure out the commonalities ...

MartinDix commented 1 month ago

I don't think the split between aerosol/chemistry is useful. ESM1.5 only has enough chemistry for the aerosol scheme so they're essentially the same thing. OCFF (organic carbon from fossil fuel) is an aerosol field. Ndep is nitrogen deposition, so probably part of land/biogeochem.

The model shouldn't be using qrclim.slt, qrclim.smow (soil temperature and moisture climatologies) because it's starting from a complete restart file. Similarly with the ice I'll double check this.

ozone probably sits better in forcing than in aerosol. It's also independent of the ocean model resolution. The various txt and csv files are also resolution independent. Do you want to separate out the fields that depend on the land sea mask and so the ocean model resolution?

stash is logically part of the atmosphere (resolution independent again).

aidanheerdegen commented 1 month ago

Do you want to separate out the fields that depend on the land sea mask and so the ocean model resolution?

Sounds like a good idea for clarity and to make it easier for those who want to alter the land/sea mask, and also avoid unnecessary duplication when creating a new configuration with a different resolution

stash is logically part of the atmosphere (resolution independent again).

I wasn't sure if STASHmaster was reference data that was pretty much global for all configurations with a roughly similar UM version. Which I guess means it should be under atmosphere as you suggest. Will change. I've not put resolution_independent as it seems redundant, but we can for consistency/clarity.

Does spectral make sense as a category? Couldn't think of a better name or another category to plonk it in.

Here is the updated organisation

├── /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-esm1p5/
├── ocean/
│   ├── biogeochemistry/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──      
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           └──
│   ├── grids/
│   │   └── mosaic/
│   │       └── global.1deg/
│   │           └── 2020.05.19/
│   │               └──
│   ├── shortwave_penetration/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           └──
│   └── tides/
│       └── global.1deg/
│           └── 2020.05.19/
│               ├──
│               └──
├── atmosphere/
│   ├── land/
│   │   ├── biogeochem/
│   │   │   ├── resolution_independent/
│   │   │   │   └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │   │       ├── modis_phenology_csiro.txt
│   │   │   │       └── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv        
│   │   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │           └── Ndep_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │   ├── biogeophys/
│   │   │   └── resolution_independent/
│   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │           ├── def_soil_params.txt
│   │   │           └── def_veg_params.txt
│   │   ├── soiltype/
│   │   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │           └── qrparm.soil_igbp_vg
│   │   └── vegetation/
│   │       └── global.1deg/
│   │           └── 2020.05.19/
│   │               └── cable_vegfunc_N96.anc
│   ├── aerosol/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├── BC_hi_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │           ├── Bio_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │           ├── biogenic_351sm.N96L38
│   │           ├── scycl_1850_ESM1_v4.anc
│   │           ├── DMS_conc.N96
│   │           ├── sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38
│   │           └── OCFF_1850_ESM1.anc
│   ├── grids/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├── qrparm.mask
│   │           └── vertlevs_G3
│   ├── spectral/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├── spec3a_lw_hadgem1_6on
│   │           └── spec3a_sw_hadgem1_6on
│   ├── forcing/
│   │   ├── resolution_independent/
│   │   │   └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │       └── ozone_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           └── volcts_18502000ave.dat
│   └── stash/
│       └── 2020.05.19/
│           ├── stasets
│           └── STASHmaster
├── coupler/
│   ├── grids/
│   │   └── global.1deg/
│   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │           ├──
│   │           ├──
│   │           └──
│   └── remapping_weights/
│       └── global.1deg/
│           └── 2020.05.19  /
│               ├──
│               ├──
│               ├──
│               ├──
│               ├──
│               ├──
│               └──
├── ice/
│   └── grids/
│       └── global.1deg/
│           └── 2020.05.19/
│               ├──
│               └──
└── /g/data/vk83/experiments/restarts/access-esm1p5/
    ├── atmosphere
    ├── coupler
    └── ice

You should able to access and edit a copy of this using this link:

aidanheerdegen commented 1 month ago

You can just cut n' paste this into


``` /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-esm1p5/ ocean biogeochemistry global.1deg 2020.05.19 grids mosaic global.1deg 2020.05.19 shortwave_penetration global.1deg 2020.05.19 tides global.1deg 2020.05.19 atmosphere land biogeochem resolution_independent 2020.05.19 modis_phenology_csiro.txt pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv global.1deg 2020.05.19 Ndep_1850_ESM1.anc biogeophys resolution_independent 2020.05.19 def_soil_params.txt def_veg_params.txt soiltype global.1deg 2020.05.19 qrparm.soil_igbp_vg vegetation global.1deg 2020.05.19 cable_vegfunc_N96.anc aerosol global.1deg 2020.05.19 BC_hi_1850_ESM1.anc Bio_1850_ESM1.anc biogenic_351sm.N96L38 scycl_1850_ESM1_v4.anc DMS_conc.N96 sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38 OCFF_1850_ESM1.anc grids global.1deg 2020.05.19 qrparm.mask vertlevs_G3 spectral global.1deg 2020.05.19 spec3a_lw_hadgem1_6on spec3a_sw_hadgem1_6on forcing resolution_independent 2020.05.19 ozone_1850_ESM1.anc global.1deg 2020.05.19 volcts_18502000ave.dat stash 2020.05.19 stasets STASHmaster coupler grids global.1deg 2020.05.19 remapping_weights global.1deg 2020.05.19 ice grids global.1deg 2020.05.19 /g/data/vk83/experiments/restarts/access-esm1p5/ atmosphere coupler ice ```

blimlim commented 1 month ago

Hi Aidan and Martin, I just have a few questions about the proposed structure:

  1. To clarify the idea behind the resolution categories - is the idea to separate files based on the resolution of their related model? E.g would we like to use global.N96 for the atmosphere inputs rather than global.1deg? Or instead, is the idea to highlight which files depend specifically on the ocean model's resolution?

Relatedly, what would be sensible for categorising the coupling files which use all of the grids? Would it make sense to note down both resolutions here, e.g.

  1. If we want to additionally separate out input files which depend on the land sea mask, would the idea be to add another level in the directory tree, e.g:

    └── vegetation/
    └── global.1deg/
        ├── lsm_dependent/
        │   └── 2020.05.19/
        │       └── cable_vegfunc_N96.anc
        └── lsm_independent/
            └── ...

    Would highlighting the land-sea mask dependence in the directory tree be preferable to just noting it somewhere in the documentation?

  2. Following on from 2, would our intention be to highlight the files which absolutely must be changed when the land sea mask changes (e.g. I'm guessing cable_vegfunc_N96.anc fits this category), or instead files which in theory should be changed alongside the land sea mask, but the model will still run even if they are unchanged. I wonder whether something like the DMS_conc.N96 would fall under this second category:


Let me know if I might have misunderstood/misinterpreted anything here.

aidanheerdegen commented 4 weeks ago
  1. would we like to use global.N96 for the atmosphere inputs rather than global.1deg?

Good point! This shows my ocean-bias, and yes I think it would be better to use something that makes sense from an atmosphere point of view.

Relatedly, what would be sensible for categorising the coupling files which use all of the grids? Would it make sense to note down both resolutions here, e.g.

Again, a good suggestion. is global twice redundant? Wondering out loud if we'd ever have a remapping file from global to regional or vice-versa?

Would highlighting the land-sea mask dependence in the directory tree be preferable to just noting it somewhere in the documentation?

Very probably. I didn't know this was the case, which shows the value of highlighting it.

or instead files which in theory should be changed alongside the land sea mask, but the model will still run even if they are unchanged

Another excellent point. I'd say anything that should be changed should also be categorised as such.

blimlim commented 2 weeks ago

I've put together a copy of the input directory with an updated structure, located currently in /g/data/tm70/sw6175/esm1p5-input-restructure/restructured-inputs/pre-industrial.

The tree for this new directory is:

└── pre-industrial
    ├── atmosphere
    │   ├── aerosol
    │   │   └── global.N96
    │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │           ├── BC_hi_1850_ESM1.anc
    │   │           ├── Bio_1850_ESM1.anc
    │   │           ├── biogenic_351sm.N96L38
    │   │           ├── DMS_conc.N96
    │   │           ├── OCFF_1850_ESM1.anc
    │   │           ├── scycl_1850_ESM1_v4.anc
    │   │           └── sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38
    │   ├── forcing
    │   │   ├── global.N96
    │   │   │   └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │       └── ozone_1850_ESM1.anc
    │   │   └── resolution_independent
    │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │           └── volcts_18502000ave.dat
    │   ├── grids
    │   │   └── global.N96
    │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │           ├── qrparm.mask
    │   │           └── vertlevs_G3
    │   ├── land
    │   │   ├── biogeochem
    │   │   │   ├── global.N96
    │   │   │   │   └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │   │       └── Ndep_1850_ESM1.anc
    │   │   │   └── resolution_independent
    │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │           ├── modis_phenology_csiro.txt
    │   │   │           ├── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles.csv
    │   │   │           ├── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_spinup.csv
    │   │   │           ├── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv
    │   │   │           └── poolcnpInTumbarumba.csv
    │   │   ├── biogeophys
    │   │   │   └── resolution_independent
    │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │           ├── def_soil_params.txt
    │   │   │           └── def_veg_params.txt
    │   │   ├── soiltype
    │   │   │   └── global.N96
    │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │           └── qrparm.soil_igbp_vg
    │   │   └── vegetation
    │   │       └── global.N96
    │   │           └── 2020.05.19
    │   │               └── cable_vegfunc_N96.anc
    │   ├── SOURCES
    │   ├── spectral
    │   │   └── resolution_independent
    │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │           ├── spec3a_lw_hadgem1_6on
    │   │           └── spec3a_sw_hadgem1_6on
    │   └── stash
    │       └── 2020.05.19
    │           ├── stasets
    │           └── STASHmaster
    ├── coupler
    │   ├── cf_name_table.txt
    │   ├── grids
    │   │   └── global.o.1deg_a.N96
    │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           └──
    │   └── remapping_weights
    │       └── global.o.1deg_a.N96
    │           └── 2020.05.19
    │               ├──
    │               ├──
    │               ├──
    │               ├──
    │               ├──
    │               ├──
    │               └──
    ├── ice
    │   ├── grids
    │   │   └── global.1deg
    │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           └──
    ├── ocean
    │   ├──
    │   ├── biogeochemistry
    │   │   └── global.1deg
    │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           └──
    │   ├──
    │   ├── grids
    │   │   └── mosaic
    │   │       └── global.1deg
    │   │           └── 2020.05.19
    │   │               └──
    │   ├── shortwave_penetration
    │   │   └── global.1deg
    │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │           └──
    │   └── tides
    │       └── global.1deg
    │           └── 2020.05.19
    │               ├──
    │               └──
    └── restart
        ├── atmosphere
        ├── coupler
        ├── ice
        └── ocean


Model | Section | Filename | Earliest found date | Date notes -- | -- | -- | -- | -- ocean | biogeochemistry | |   |   ocean | biogeochemistry | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/bgc_y0001/ ocean | biogeochemistry | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/bgc_y0001/ ocean | biogeochemistry | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/bgc_y0001/ ocean | biogeochemistry | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/bgc_y0001/ ocean | biogeochemistry | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/bgc_y0001/ ocean | biogeochemistry | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/bgc_y0001/ ocean | biogeochemistry | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/bgc_y0001/ ocean | biogeochemistry | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/bgc_y0001/ ocean | grids | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/mom4/ ocean | shorwave penetration | |   |   ocean | tides | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/mom4/ ocean | tides | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/mom4/ atmosphere | land - biogeochem | modis_phenology_csiro.txt | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeochem/modis_phenology_csiro.txt atmosphere | land - biogeochem | pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeochem/pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv atmosphere | land - biogeochem | 2020.01.13 | 2018.12.19 | /g/data/p66/txz599/data/ancil/CMIP6/Ndep_1850_ESM1.anc atmosphere | land - biogeophys | def_soil_params.txt | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeophys/def_soil_params.txt atmosphere | land - biogeophys | def_veg_params.txt | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeophys/def_veg_params.txt atmosphere | land - soiltype | qrparm.soil_igbp_vg | 2020.05.19 | the file that SOURCES points to doesn't seem to exist. So just have used /g/data/access/payu/access-esm/input/pre-industrial/atmosphere/qrparm.soil_igbp_vg atmosphere | land - vegetation | cable_vegfunc_N96.anc | 2019.12.22 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ancil/access_v2/cable_vegfunc_N96.anc atmosphere | aerosol | BC_hi_1850_ESM1.anc | 2018.12.19 | /g/data1a/p66/txz599/data/ancil/CMIP6/BC_hi_1850_ESM1.anc atmosphere | aerosol | Bio_1850_ESM1.anc | 2018.12.19 | /g/data1a/p66/txz599/data/ancil/CMIP6/Bio_1850_ESM1.anc atmosphere | aerosol | biogenic_351sm.N96L38 | 2020.01.21 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ancil/HadGEM3_cal365/biogenic_351sm.N96L38 atmosphere | aerosol | scycl_1850_ESM1_v4.anc | 2018.12.19 | /g/data1a/p66/txz599/data/ancil/CMIP6/scycl_1850_ESM1_v4.anc atmosphere | aerosol | DMS_conc.N96 | 2020.01.21 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ancil/HadGEM3_cal365/DMS_conc.N96 atmosphere | aerosol | sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38 | 2020.01.21 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ancil/HadGEM3_cal365/sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38 atmosphere | aerosol | OCFF_1850_ESM1.anc | 2018.12.19 | /g/data1a/p66/txz599/data/ancil/CMIP6/OCFF_1850_ESM1.anc atmosphere | grids | qrparm.mask | 2019.11.25 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ancil/access_v2/qrparm.mask atmosphere | grids | vertlevs_G3 | 2019.11.22 | /g/data/access/projects/access/umdir/vn7.3/ctldata/vert/vertlevs_G3 atmosphere | spectral | spec3a_lw_hadgem1_6on | 2020.01.21 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ancil/HadGEM3_cal365/spec3a_lw_hadgem1_6on atmosphere | spectral | spec3a_sw_hadgem1_6on | 2020.01.21 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ancil/HadGEM3_cal365/spec3a_sw_hadgem1_6on atmosphere | forcing | ozone_1850_ESM1.anc | 2018.12.19 | /g/data/p66/txz599/data/ancil/CMIP6/ozone_1850_ESM1.anc atmosphere | forcing | volcts_18502000ave.dat | 2020.01.21 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ancil/CMIP5/volcts_18502000ave.dat atmosphere | stash | stasets | 2019.11.22 | /g/data/access/projects/access/umdir/vn7.3/ctldata/stasets atmosphere | stash | STASHmaster | 2019.11.22 | /g/data/access/projects/access/umdir/vn7.3/ctldata/STASHmaster coupler | grids | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/oasis3/ coupler | grids | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/oasis3/ coupler | grids | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/oasis3/ coupler | remapping_weights | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/oasis3-mct/ coupler | remapping_weights | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/oasis3-mct/ coupler | remapping_weights | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/oasis3-mct/ coupler | remapping_weights | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/oasis3-mct/ coupler | remapping_weights | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/oasis3-mct/ coupler | remapping_weights | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/oasis3-mct/ coupler | remapping_weights | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/oasis3-mct/ ice | grids | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/cice/ ice | grids | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/cice/   |   |   |   |     |   |   |   |   files not in the github directory tree which are in the input directory |   |   atmosphere | land - biogeochem | pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_spinup.csv | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeochem/pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_spinup.csv atmosphere | land - biogeochem | poolcnpInTumbarumba.csv | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeochem/poolcnpInTumbarumba.csv atmosphere | land - biogeochem | pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles.csv | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeochem/pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles.csv ocean | ? | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/mom4/ ocean | ? | | 2020.01.13 | /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/mom4/

Questions There are several things I'm unsure about:


``` netcdf grid_spec { dimensions: zt = 50 ; zb = 50 ; grid_x_T = 360 ; grid_y_T = 300 ; grid_x_C = 360 ; grid_y_C = 300 ; vertex = 4 ; i_atmXocn = 111817 ; i_atmXlnd = 5285 ; i_lndXocn = 111817 ; xba = 145 ; yba = 91 ; xta = 144 ; yta = 90 ; xbl = 145 ; ybl = 91 ; xtl = 144 ; ytl = 90 ; xto = 360 ; yto = 300 ; variables: float zt(zt) ; zt:long_name = "zt" ; zt:units = "meters" ; zt:cartesian_axis = "z" ; zt:positive = "down" ; float zb(zb) ; zb:long_name = "zb" ; zb:units = "meters" ; zb:cartesian_axis = "z" ; zb:positive = "down" ; float grid_x_T(grid_x_T) ; grid_x_T:long_name = "Nominal Longitude of T-cell center" ; grid_x_T:units = "degree_east" ; grid_x_T:cartesian_axis = "X" ; float grid_y_T(grid_y_T) ; grid_y_T:long_name = "Nominal Latitude of T-cell center" ; grid_y_T:units = "degree_north" ; grid_y_T:cartesian_axis = "Y" ; float grid_x_C(grid_x_C) ; grid_x_C:long_name = "Nominal Longitude of C-cell center" ; grid_x_C:units = "degree_east" ; grid_x_C:cartesian_axis = "X" ; float grid_y_C(grid_y_C) ; grid_y_C:long_name = "Nominal Latitude of C-cell center" ; grid_y_C:units = "degree_north" ; grid_y_C:cartesian_axis = "Y" ; float vertex(vertex) ; vertex:long_name = "Vertex position from southwest couterclockwise" ; vertex:units = "none" ; double x_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; x_T:long_name = "Geographic longitude of T_cell centers" ; x_T:units = "degree_east" ; double y_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; y_T:long_name = "Geographic latitude of T_cell centers" ; y_T:units = "degree_north" ; double x_vert_T(vertex, grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; x_vert_T:long_name = "Geographic longitude of T_cell vertices begin southwest counterclockwise" ; x_vert_T:units = "degree_east" ; double y_vert_T(vertex, grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; y_vert_T:long_name = "Geographic latitude of T_cell vertices begin southwest counterclockwise" ; y_vert_T:units = "degree_north" ; double area_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; area_T:long_name = "Area of T_cell" ; area_T:units = "m2" ; double angle_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; angle_T:long_name = "Angle clockwise between logical and geographic east of T_cell" ; angle_T:units = "degree" ; double ds_00_02_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_00_02_T:long_name = "Length of western face of T_cell" ; ds_00_02_T:units = "m" ; double ds_20_22_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_20_22_T:long_name = "Length of eastern face of T_cell" ; ds_20_22_T:units = "m" ; double ds_02_22_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_02_22_T:long_name = "Length of northern face of T_cell" ; ds_02_22_T:units = "m" ; double ds_00_20_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_00_20_T:long_name = "Length of southern face of T_cell" ; ds_00_20_T:units = "m" ; double ds_00_01_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_00_01_T:long_name = "Distance from southwest corner to western face center of T_cell" ; ds_00_01_T:units = "m" ; double ds_01_02_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_01_02_T:long_name = "Distance from northwest corner to western face center of T_cell" ; ds_01_02_T:units = "m" ; double ds_02_12_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_02_12_T:long_name = "Distance from northwest corner to northern face center of T_cell" ; ds_02_12_T:units = "m" ; double ds_12_22_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_12_22_T:long_name = "Distance from northeast corner to northern face center of T_cell" ; ds_12_22_T:units = "m" ; double ds_21_22_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_21_22_T:long_name = "Distance from northeast corner to eastern face center of T_cell" ; ds_21_22_T:units = "m" ; double ds_20_21_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_20_21_T:long_name = "Distance from southeast corner to eastern face center of T_cell" ; ds_20_21_T:units = "m" ; double ds_10_20_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_10_20_T:long_name = "Distance from southeast corner to southern face center of T_cell" ; ds_10_20_T:units = "m" ; double ds_00_10_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_00_10_T:long_name = "Distance from southwest corner to southern face center of T_cell" ; ds_00_10_T:units = "m" ; double ds_01_11_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_01_11_T:long_name = "Distance from center to western face of T_cell" ; ds_01_11_T:units = "m" ; double ds_11_12_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_11_12_T:long_name = "Distance from center to northern face of T_cell" ; ds_11_12_T:units = "m" ; double ds_11_21_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_11_21_T:long_name = "Distance from center to eastern face of T_cell" ; ds_11_21_T:units = "m" ; double ds_10_11_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_10_11_T:long_name = "Distance from center to southern face of T_cell" ; ds_10_11_T:units = "m" ; double ds_01_21_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_01_21_T:long_name = "width of T_cell" ; ds_01_21_T:units = "m" ; double ds_10_12_T(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; ds_10_12_T:long_name = "height of T_cell" ; ds_10_12_T:units = "m" ; double x_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; x_E:long_name = "Geographic longitude of E_cell centers" ; x_E:units = "degree_east" ; double y_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; y_E:long_name = "Geographic latitude of E_cell centers" ; y_E:units = "degree_north" ; double x_vert_E(vertex, grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; x_vert_E:long_name = "Geographic longitude of E_cell vertices begin southwest counterclockwise" ; x_vert_E:units = "degree_east" ; double y_vert_E(vertex, grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; y_vert_E:long_name = "Geographic latitude of E_cell vertices begin southwest counterclockwise" ; y_vert_E:units = "degree_north" ; double area_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; area_E:long_name = "Area of E_cell" ; area_E:units = "m2" ; double angle_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; angle_E:long_name = "Angle clockwise between logical and geographic east of E_cell" ; angle_E:units = "degree" ; double ds_00_02_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_00_02_E:long_name = "Length of western face of E_cell" ; ds_00_02_E:units = "m" ; double ds_20_22_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_20_22_E:long_name = "Length of eastern face of E_cell" ; ds_20_22_E:units = "m" ; double ds_02_22_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_02_22_E:long_name = "Length of northern face of E_cell" ; ds_02_22_E:units = "m" ; double ds_00_20_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_00_20_E:long_name = "Length of southern face of E_cell" ; ds_00_20_E:units = "m" ; double ds_00_01_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_00_01_E:long_name = "Distance from southwest corner to western face center of E_cell" ; ds_00_01_E:units = "m" ; double ds_01_02_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_01_02_E:long_name = "Distance from northwest corner to western face center of E_cell" ; ds_01_02_E:units = "m" ; double ds_02_12_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_02_12_E:long_name = "Distance from northwest corner to northern face center of E_cell" ; ds_02_12_E:units = "m" ; double ds_12_22_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_12_22_E:long_name = "Distance from northeast corner to northern face center of E_cell" ; ds_12_22_E:units = "m" ; double ds_21_22_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_21_22_E:long_name = "Distance from northeast corner to eastern face center of E_cell" ; ds_21_22_E:units = "m" ; double ds_20_21_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_20_21_E:long_name = "Distance from southeast corner to eastern face center of E_cell" ; ds_20_21_E:units = "m" ; double ds_10_20_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_10_20_E:long_name = "Distance from southeast corner to southern face center of E_cell" ; ds_10_20_E:units = "m" ; double ds_00_10_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_00_10_E:long_name = "Distance from southwest corner to southern face center of E_cell" ; ds_00_10_E:units = "m" ; double ds_01_11_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_01_11_E:long_name = "Distance from center to western face of E_cell" ; ds_01_11_E:units = "m" ; double ds_11_12_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_11_12_E:long_name = "Distance from center to northern face of E_cell" ; ds_11_12_E:units = "m" ; double ds_11_21_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_11_21_E:long_name = "Distance from center to eastern face of E_cell" ; ds_11_21_E:units = "m" ; double ds_10_11_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_10_11_E:long_name = "Distance from center to southern face of E_cell" ; ds_10_11_E:units = "m" ; double ds_01_21_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_01_21_E:long_name = "width of E_cell" ; ds_01_21_E:units = "m" ; double ds_10_12_E(grid_y_T, grid_x_C) ; ds_10_12_E:long_name = "height of E_cell" ; ds_10_12_E:units = "m" ; double x_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; x_N:long_name = "Geographic longitude of N_cell centers" ; x_N:units = "degree_east" ; double y_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; y_N:long_name = "Geographic latitude of N_cell centers" ; y_N:units = "degree_north" ; double x_vert_N(vertex, grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; x_vert_N:long_name = "Geographic longitude of N_cell vertices begin southwest counterclockwise" ; x_vert_N:units = "degree_east" ; double y_vert_N(vertex, grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; y_vert_N:long_name = "Geographic latitude of N_cell vertices begin southwest counterclockwise" ; y_vert_N:units = "degree_north" ; double area_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; area_N:long_name = "Area of N_cell" ; area_N:units = "m2" ; double angle_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; angle_N:long_name = "Angle clockwise between logical and geographic east of N_cell" ; angle_N:units = "degree" ; double ds_00_02_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_00_02_N:long_name = "Length of western face of N_cell" ; ds_00_02_N:units = "m" ; double ds_20_22_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_20_22_N:long_name = "Length of eastern face of N_cell" ; ds_20_22_N:units = "m" ; double ds_02_22_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_02_22_N:long_name = "Length of northern face of N_cell" ; ds_02_22_N:units = "m" ; double ds_00_20_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_00_20_N:long_name = "Length of southern face of N_cell" ; ds_00_20_N:units = "m" ; double ds_00_01_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_00_01_N:long_name = "Distance from southwest corner to western face center of N_cell" ; ds_00_01_N:units = "m" ; double ds_01_02_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_01_02_N:long_name = "Distance from northwest corner to western face center of N_cell" ; ds_01_02_N:units = "m" ; double ds_02_12_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_02_12_N:long_name = "Distance from northwest corner to northern face center of N_cell" ; ds_02_12_N:units = "m" ; double ds_12_22_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_12_22_N:long_name = "Distance from northeast corner to northern face center of N_cell" ; ds_12_22_N:units = "m" ; double ds_21_22_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_21_22_N:long_name = "Distance from northeast corner to eastern face center of N_cell" ; ds_21_22_N:units = "m" ; double ds_20_21_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_20_21_N:long_name = "Distance from southeast corner to eastern face center of N_cell" ; ds_20_21_N:units = "m" ; double ds_10_20_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_10_20_N:long_name = "Distance from southeast corner to southern face center of N_cell" ; ds_10_20_N:units = "m" ; double ds_00_10_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_00_10_N:long_name = "Distance from southwest corner to southern face center of N_cell" ; ds_00_10_N:units = "m" ; double ds_01_11_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_01_11_N:long_name = "Distance from center to western face of N_cell" ; ds_01_11_N:units = "m" ; double ds_11_12_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_11_12_N:long_name = "Distance from center to northern face of N_cell" ; ds_11_12_N:units = "m" ; double ds_11_21_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_11_21_N:long_name = "Distance from center to eastern face of N_cell" ; ds_11_21_N:units = "m" ; double ds_10_11_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_10_11_N:long_name = "Distance from center to southern face of N_cell" ; ds_10_11_N:units = "m" ; double ds_01_21_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_01_21_N:long_name = "width of N_cell" ; ds_01_21_N:units = "m" ; double ds_10_12_N(grid_y_C, grid_x_T) ; ds_10_12_N:long_name = "height of N_cell" ; ds_10_12_N:units = "m" ; double x_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; x_C:long_name = "Geographic longitude of C_cell centers" ; x_C:units = "degree_east" ; double y_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; y_C:long_name = "Geographic latitude of C_cell centers" ; y_C:units = "degree_north" ; double x_vert_C(vertex, grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; x_vert_C:long_name = "Geographic longitude of C_cell vertices begin southwest counterclockwise" ; x_vert_C:units = "degree_east" ; double y_vert_C(vertex, grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; y_vert_C:long_name = "Geographic latitude of C_cell vertices begin southwest counterclockwise" ; y_vert_C:units = "degree_north" ; double area_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; area_C:long_name = "Area of C_cell" ; area_C:units = "m2" ; double angle_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; angle_C:long_name = "Angle clockwise between logical and geographic east of C_cell" ; angle_C:units = "degree" ; double ds_00_02_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_00_02_C:long_name = "Length of western face of C_cell" ; ds_00_02_C:units = "m" ; double ds_20_22_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_20_22_C:long_name = "Length of eastern face of C_cell" ; ds_20_22_C:units = "m" ; double ds_02_22_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_02_22_C:long_name = "Length of northern face of C_cell" ; ds_02_22_C:units = "m" ; double ds_00_20_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_00_20_C:long_name = "Length of southern face of C_cell" ; ds_00_20_C:units = "m" ; double ds_00_01_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_00_01_C:long_name = "Distance from southwest corner to western face center of C_cell" ; ds_00_01_C:units = "m" ; double ds_01_02_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_01_02_C:long_name = "Distance from northwest corner to western face center of C_cell" ; ds_01_02_C:units = "m" ; double ds_02_12_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_02_12_C:long_name = "Distance from northwest corner to northern face center of C_cell" ; ds_02_12_C:units = "m" ; double ds_12_22_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_12_22_C:long_name = "Distance from northeast corner to northern face center of C_cell" ; ds_12_22_C:units = "m" ; double ds_21_22_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_21_22_C:long_name = "Distance from northeast corner to eastern face center of C_cell" ; ds_21_22_C:units = "m" ; double ds_20_21_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_20_21_C:long_name = "Distance from southeast corner to eastern face center of C_cell" ; ds_20_21_C:units = "m" ; double ds_10_20_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_10_20_C:long_name = "Distance from southeast corner to southern face center of C_cell" ; ds_10_20_C:units = "m" ; double ds_00_10_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_00_10_C:long_name = "Distance from southwest corner to southern face center of C_cell" ; ds_00_10_C:units = "m" ; double ds_01_11_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_01_11_C:long_name = "Distance from center to western face of C_cell" ; ds_01_11_C:units = "m" ; double ds_11_12_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_11_12_C:long_name = "Distance from center to northern face of C_cell" ; ds_11_12_C:units = "m" ; double ds_11_21_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_11_21_C:long_name = "Distance from center to eastern face of C_cell" ; ds_11_21_C:units = "m" ; double ds_10_11_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_10_11_C:long_name = "Distance from center to southern face of C_cell" ; ds_10_11_C:units = "m" ; double ds_01_21_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_01_21_C:long_name = "width of C_cell" ; ds_01_21_C:units = "m" ; double ds_10_12_C(grid_y_C, grid_x_C) ; ds_10_12_C:long_name = "height of C_cell" ; ds_10_12_C:units = "m" ; double depth_t(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; depth_t:long_name = "topographic depth of T-cell" ; depth_t:units = "meters" ; double num_levels(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; num_levels:long_name = "number of vertical T-cells" ; num_levels:units = "none" ; double wet(grid_y_T, grid_x_T) ; wet:long_name = "land/sea flag (0=land) for T-cell" ; wet:units = "none" ; double AREA_ATMxOCN(i_atmXocn) ; double DI_ATMxOCN(i_atmXocn) ; double DJ_ATMxOCN(i_atmXocn) ; int I_ATM_ATMxOCN(i_atmXocn) ; int J_ATM_ATMxOCN(i_atmXocn) ; int I_OCN_ATMxOCN(i_atmXocn) ; int J_OCN_ATMxOCN(i_atmXocn) ; double AREA_ATMxLND(i_atmXlnd) ; double DI_ATMxLND(i_atmXlnd) ; double DJ_ATMxLND(i_atmXlnd) ; int I_ATM_ATMxLND(i_atmXlnd) ; int J_ATM_ATMxLND(i_atmXlnd) ; int I_LND_ATMxLND(i_atmXlnd) ; int J_LND_ATMxLND(i_atmXlnd) ; double AREA_LNDxOCN(i_lndXocn) ; double DI_LNDxOCN(i_lndXocn) ; double DJ_LNDxOCN(i_lndXocn) ; int I_LND_LNDxOCN(i_lndXocn) ; int J_LND_LNDxOCN(i_lndXocn) ; int I_OCN_LNDxOCN(i_lndXocn) ; int J_OCN_LNDxOCN(i_lndXocn) ; double xba(xba) ; double yba(yba) ; double xta(xta) ; double yta(yta) ; double AREA_ATM(yta, xta) ; double xbl(xbl) ; double ybl(ybl) ; double xtl(xtl) ; double ytl(ytl) ; double AREA_LND(ytl, xtl) ; double AREA_LND_CELL(ytl, xtl) ; double xto(xto) ; double yto(yto) ; double AREA_OCN(yto, xto) ; // global attributes: :filename = "" ; :xname = "longitude" ; :yname = "latitude" ; :vertex_convention = "SWCCW" ; :join_lat = 65.f ; :y_boundary_type = "fold_north_edge" ; :x_boundary_type = "cyclic" ; :topography = "from_file" ; :input_file = "/short/p66/sjm599/AusCOM/input/mom4/" ; :input_field = "topo" ; :fill_isolated_cells = "y" ; :fill_first_row = "y" ; :deepen_shallow = "y" ; :adjust_topo = "y" ; :filter_topog = "y" ; :num_filter_pass = 1.f ; } ```


``` netcdf grid_spec { dimensions: string = 255 ; nfile_aXo = 1 ; nfile_aXl = 1 ; nfile_lXo = 1 ; variables: char atm_mosaic_dir(string) ; atm_mosaic_dir:standard_name = "directory_storing_atmosphere_mosaic" ; char atm_mosaic_file(string) ; atm_mosaic_file:standard_name = "atmosphere_mosaic_file_name" ; char atm_mosaic(string) ; atm_mosaic:standard_name = "atmosphere_mosaic_name" ; char lnd_mosaic_dir(string) ; lnd_mosaic_dir:standard_name = "directory_storing_land_mosaic" ; char lnd_mosaic_file(string) ; lnd_mosaic_file:standard_name = "land_mosaic_file_name" ; char lnd_mosaic(string) ; lnd_mosaic:standard_name = "land_mosaic_name" ; char ocn_mosaic_dir(string) ; ocn_mosaic_dir:standard_name = "directory_storing_ocean_mosaic" ; char ocn_mosaic_file(string) ; ocn_mosaic_file:standard_name = "ocean_mosaic_file_name" ; char ocn_mosaic(string) ; ocn_mosaic:standard_name = "ocean_mosaic_name" ; char ocn_topog_dir(string) ; ocn_topog_dir:standard_name = "directory_storing_ocean_topog" ; char ocn_topog_file(string) ; ocn_topog_file:standard_name = "ocean_topog_file_name" ; char aXo_file(nfile_aXo, string) ; aXo_file:standard_name = "atmXocn_exchange_grid_file" ; char aXl_file(nfile_aXl, string) ; aXl_file:standard_name = "atmXlnd_exchange_grid_file" ; char lXo_file(nfile_lXo, string) ; lXo_file:standard_name = "lndXocn_exchange_grid_file" ; } ```

Apologies for all the questions. Let me know if you have any suggestions or changes to make. Once everything is worked out, I'll make a branch of the configuration which uses the new structure.

aidanheerdegen commented 2 weeks ago

The atmosphere directory originally contained a SOURCES file, listing where the atmospheric inputs had been copied from. Do we want to keep this somewhere, and perhaps update it to include the sources I found for the ocean and other data (some files I couldn't find anything for though), or just leave it out?

It is only the paths to the files, which might mean something to some people. Ideally we'd find out what that meaning might be as people don't last forever. That may be a later endeavour however, so I don't see any problem with keeping the file around, or putting the relevant path in a README in the sub-dir where the file is now located and note that this was the original location where the file was sourced from.

Just saw this previous issue - if we're happy to remove these files I'll omit them from the new directory.

Probably best to hash out in that issue what should be omitted and then action it here.

Is our categorisation of the ocean file under ocean/grids/mosaic/ correct? It matches the classification for the OM2 file of the same name, however the pre-industrial and om2 files are quite different.

The ESM1.5 configuration is using the old FMS mosaic format. IIRC I converted the COSIMA 1 degree grid to the more modern format to match the 0.25 and 0.1 grids, but I can't find any mention of it. Damn.

Ideally we should switch to using the same grid format as the ACCESS-OM2 configurations, though I think the grid itself is different due to cell stretching around the equator in the coupled models, but correct me if I'm wrong.

@anton-seaice has been playing around with grids quite a bit, so he or @dougiesquire may be able to comment on this.

Is it reasonable to classify the resolutions for the coupling files as global.o.1deg_a.N96? I noticed that most of the files mention the cice rather than the ocean model and so am wondering whether I'm incorrect to prioritise the ocean grid in the labelling?

It's a good point. The ocean and ice share a grid, and the atmosphere sends all fields through the ice model IIRC. So yes it is a bit weird. Could use a name like global.oi.1deg_a.N96. In any case does it make sense to single out a single model when the coupling is between two models, and is indicated in the names of the files themselves?

anton-seaice commented 2 weeks ago

Ideally we should switch to using the same grid format as the ACCESS-OM2 configurations, though I think the grid itself is different due to cell stretching around the equator in the coupled models, but correct me if I'm wrong.

The ACCESS-OM 1 degree grid also have some (latitudinal?) refinement around the equator, its probably the same but it might not be. There is no guarantee the variable format used between the CICE4 in ESM1.5 and the AUSCOM-CICE5 fork are the same of course (again, quite likely there are).

dougiesquire commented 2 weeks ago

or @dougiesquire may be able to comment on this.

Maybe not... I wasn't even aware that there was an "old FMS mosaic format".

My understanding of the "new" (ACCESS-OM2) format is:

It looks like in the "old FMS mosaic format", all the info that could be spread across this nested structure is contained in the one file? So the ocean grid is defined by the x_* and y_* variables in Is that correct @aidanheerdegen? If so, then it looks to me like the ocean grids could be the same between ACCESS-OM2 and ACCESS-ESM1.5, but I can confirm tomorrow.

dougiesquire commented 2 weeks ago

Also, a couple of unsolicited comments on the above structure:

Please feel free to ignore both

aidanheerdegen commented 2 weeks ago

It looks like in the "old FMS mosaic format", all the info that could be spread across this nested structure is contained in the one file? So the ocean grid is defined by the x_* and y_* variables in Is that correct @aidanheerdegen?

IIRC yes. This is where we really miss the mentat abilities of Russ Fiedler when it comes to MOM5.

MartinDix commented 1 week ago

Many of these files are common across pre-industrial and historical. E.g. for the atmosphere everything except forcing and aerosol directories.

Everything in the coupler and ice directories is also common. Everything in ocean too, except perhaps biogeochemistry?

blimlim commented 1 week ago

I've tried modifying the tree based on the above ideas.

  • and to me something like global.o_1deg.a_N96 is clearer. I agree, I think that looks better.

I've added in an unused directory for the files discussed here – I'm thinking it might be good to hold onto them in case they are needed later, but let me know if it would be better to remove them.

Many of these files are common across pre-industrial and historical

I've added in a common directory and moved these files across. It looks like the pre-industrial and historical configurations use different Ndep files under atmosphere/land/biogeochem/ (e.g. Ndep_1850_ESM1.anc for pre-industrial and Ndep_1849_2015.anc for historical), but otherwise the land inputs appear to be shared – just wanted to confirm that this sounds correct.

Everything in ocean too, except perhaps biogeochemistry?

From what I can tell, the copies of,, and accessed by the coe historical experiment are identical to the copies in /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-esm1p5/pre-industrial/ocean, and so I've put them into the common directory. The other bgc inputs don't seem to be used , and so I've moved them into the unused section.

The modified tree based on the above is shown below. Let me know your thoughts/if you have any suggestions!

├── common/
│   ├── atmosphere/
│   │   ├── grids/
│   │   │   ├── global.N96/
│   │   │   │   └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │   │       └── qrparm.mask
│   │   │   └── resolution_independent/
│   │   │       └── vertlevs_G3
│   │   ├── land/
│   │   │   ├── biogeochem/
│   │   │   │   └── resolution_independent/
│   │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │   │           ├── modis_phenology_csiro.txt
│   │   │   │           └── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv
│   │   │   ├── biogeophys/
│   │   │   │   └── resolution_independent/
│   │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │   │           ├── def_soil_params.txt
│   │   │   │           └── def_veg_params.txt
│   │   │   ├── soiltype/
│   │   │   │   └── global.N96/
│   │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │   │           └── qrparm.soil_igbp_vg
│   │   │   └── vegetation/
│   │   │       └── global.N96/
│   │   │           └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │               └── cable_vegfunc_N96.anc
│   │   ├── stash/
│   │   │   └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │       ├── stasets
│   │   │       └── STASHmaster
│   │   └── spectral/
│   │       └── resolution_independent/
│   │           └── 2020.05.19/
│   │               ├── spec3a_lw_hadgem1_6on
│   │               └── spec3a_sw_hadgem1_6on
│   ├── coupler/
│   │   ├── grids/
│   │   │   └── global.oi_1deg.a_N96/
│   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │           ├──
│   │   │           ├──
│   │   │           └──
│   │   └── remapping_weights/
│   │       └── global.oi_1deg.a_N96/
│   │           └── 2020.05.19/
│   │               ├──
│   │               ├──
│   │               ├──
│   │               ├──
│   │               ├──
│   │               ├──
│   │               └──
│   ├── ice/
│   │   └── grids/
│   │       └── global.1deg/
│   │           └── 2020.05.19/
│   │               ├──
│   │               └──
│   └── ocean/
│       ├── biogeochemistry/
│       │   └── global.1deg/
│       │       └── 2020.05.19/
│       │           ├──
│       │           ├──
│       │           └──
│       └── grids/
│           ├── mosaic/
│           │   └── global.1deg/
│           │       └── 2020.05.19/
│           │           └──
│           ├── shortwave_penetration/
│           │   └── global.1deg/
│           │       └── 2020.05.19/
│           │           └──
│           └── tides/
│               └── global.1deg/
│                   └── 2020.05.19/
│                       ├──
│                       └──
├── pre-industrial/
│   ├── atmosphere/
│   │   ├── aerosol/
│   │   │   └── global.N96/
│   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │           ├── BC_hi_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │   │           ├── Bio_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │   │           ├── biogenic_351sm.N96L38
│   │   │           ├── DMS_conc.N96
│   │   │           ├── OCFF_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │   │           ├── scycl_1850_ESM1_v4.anc
│   │   │           └── sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38
│   │   ├── forcing/
│   │   │   ├── global.N96/
│   │   │   │   └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │   │       └── ozone_1850_ESM1.anc
│   │   │   └── resolution_independent/
│   │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
│   │   │           └── volcts_18502000ave.dat
│   │   └── land/
│   │       └── biogeochem/
│   │           └── global.N96/
│   │               └── 2020.05.19/
│   │                   └── Ndep_1850_ESM1.anc
│   ├── ocean
│   └── restart/
│       ├── atmosphere
│       ├── coupler
│       ├── ice
│       └── ocean
└── unused/
    ├── atmosphere/
    │   ├── climatology/
    │   │   └── global.N96/
    │   │       └── 2020.05.19/
    │   │           ├── qrclim.slt
    │   │           └── qrclim.smow
    │   └── land/
    │       └── biogeochem/
    │           └── resolution_independent/
    │               └── 2020.05.19/
    │                   ├── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles.csv
    │                   ├── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_spinup.csv
    │                   └── poolcnpInTumbarumba.csv
    ├── coupler/
    │   └── uncategorised/
    │       └── 2020.05.19/
    │           └── cf_name_table.txt
    ├── ice/
    │   └── climatology/
    │       └── global.1deg/
    │           └── 2020.05.19/
    │               └──
    └── ocean/
        └── uncategorised/
            ├── global.1deg/
            │   └── 2020.05.19/
            │       ├──
            │       └──
            └── biogeochemistry/
                └── global.1deg/
                    └── 2020.05.19/
aidanheerdegen commented 1 week ago

Awesome, thanks @blimlim this looks great.

My only issue with common is that I'm guessing this is only common to present-day, or close to it. What will this look like when we have paleoclimate configurations?

Maybe it isn't worth overthinking too much, but if there is anything obvious I'd be keen to incorporate it now. e.g. do we put this all under present, and have a separate hierarchy for miocene and last-glacial-maximum?

(Note: we could use present-day which is more obvious, but perhaps misleading because we're also talking about pre-industrial)

I like the idea of unused. It makes is obvious it has been omitted.

blimlim commented 1 week ago

That sounds like a good idea

(Note: we could use present-day which is more obvious, but perhaps misleading because we're also talking about pre-industrial)

would modern be accurate for the pre-industrial, historical, and maybe also the CMIP scenario configurations?

If the tree is looking ok to everyone, I'll rearrange my copy of the input directory to match and test it out.

aidanheerdegen commented 1 week ago

would modern be accurate for the pre-industrial, historical, and maybe also the CMIP scenario configurations?

Nice suggestion. Yep, sounds good.

If the tree is looking ok to everyone, I'll rearrange my copy of the input directory to match and test it out.

Sounds like a good idea.

blimlim commented 1 week ago

Similarly with the ice

When I was digging into the CICE calendar I noticed that the CICE code is looking for this file:

#ifdef AusCOM
      idate_save = idate  !save for late re-set in case 'restart' is used for jobnum=1

      if (runtype == 'initial') then 
        nrec = month - 1        !month is from calendar
        if (nrec == 0) nrec = 12 
        call get_time0_sstsss(trim(inputdir)//'/', nrec)
      !the read in sst/sss determines the initial ice state (in init_state)

Removing this file from the input directory leads to the PI configuration crashing, in iceout085:

 (calendar)  idate =      1010101
 (get_time0_sstsss) file doesnt exist: INPUT/

@MartinDix is it worth digging more into why it's requiring this file? For now I'll leave it in the restructured directory.

anton-seaice commented 1 week ago

I am moderately sure that file is just used to set the initial ice extent. i.e. where the SST is below -1.8C in that file, the model will initialise with sea-ice present. This only occurs during initial spin-up (when runtype = 'initial') and then for later runs (of the same experiment) runtype = 'continue' so this file is not neaded anymore.

blimlim commented 1 week ago

Ah ok thanks. Just to check, is this meant to be happening in the default PI configuration? If I try and remove the file the model doesn't run.

anton-seaice commented 1 week ago

Ah ok thanks. Just to check, is this meant to be happening in the default PI configuration? If I try and remove the file the model doesn't run.

Its needed in in all configurations when a new experiment is started (i.e. when there isnt a ice restart file).. (The initial conditions for sea-ice in these circumstances are not very critical ... their impact on the overall simulation would resolve within a year to be consistent with the other model components. The ocean model would take much longer to stabilise/spin-up.

blimlim commented 1 week ago

The restructured directory is temporarily located in /g/data/tm70/sw6175/esm1p5-input-restructure/restructured-inputs with tree shown at the bottom.

There are still a couple things to clean up (e.g. updating the SOURCES file), but let me know if you notice anything else to change.

The md5 hashes compared to the inputs in /g/data/access/payu/access-esm/input/pre-industrial/ changed for one file, pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv. The copy currently in /g/data/vk83 and /g/data/access/payu are slightly different:

diff /g/data/access/payu/access-esm/input/pre-industrial/atmosphere/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeochem/pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv /g/data/vk83/experiments/inputs/access-esm1p5/pre-industrial/atmosphere/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeochem/pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv 
< 12,0,newpft,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
> 12,0,not used,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
< 12,2,0.5,1.8,32.30769231,2,0.5,0.022,1.439682005,40,5,0.04,0.23,0.824,0.137,5,222.22,0.2,0.009919764,,
> 12,5.5,0.5,1.8,0,2,0.5,0,1,1,1,0.04,0.23,0.824,0.137,5,222.22,0.2,0.02,,

The one in vk83 is identical to the older one in/g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeochem/pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv, so it looks like the coe version must have changed at some point. Short simulations using each file look identical though, and so I'm guessing this data isn't used, as hinted above... If anyone with more knowledge about CABLE is able to confirm this, that would be great!


└── modern
    ├── historical
    │   ├── atmosphere
    │   ├── coupler
    │   ├── ice
    │   ├── ocean
    │   └── restart
    │       ├── atmosphere
    │       ├── coupler
    │       ├── ice
    │       └── ocean
    ├── pre-industrial
    │   ├── atmosphere
    │   │   ├── aerosol
    │   │   │   └── global.N96
    │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │           ├── BC_hi_1850_ESM1.anc
    │   │   │           ├── Bio_1850_ESM1.anc
    │   │   │           ├── biogenic_351sm.N96L38
    │   │   │           ├── DMS_conc.N96
    │   │   │           ├── OCFF_1850_ESM1.anc
    │   │   │           ├── scycl_1850_ESM1_v4.anc
    │   │   │           └── sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38
    │   │   ├── forcing
    │   │   │   ├── global.N96
    │   │   │   │   └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │   │       └── ozone_1850_ESM1.anc
    │   │   │   └── resolution_independent
    │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │           └── volcts_18502000ave.dat
    │   │   ├── land
    │   │   │   └── biogeochemistry
    │   │   │       └── global.N96
    │   │   │           └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │               └── Ndep_1850_ESM1.anc
    │   │   └── SOURCES
    │   ├── coupler
    │   ├── ice
    │   ├── ocean
    │   └── restart
    │       ├── atmosphere
    │       ├── coupler
    │       ├── ice
    │       └── ocean
    ├── shared-modern
    │   ├── atmosphere
    │   │   ├── grids
    │   │   │   ├── global.N96
    │   │   │   │   └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │   │       └── qrparm.mask
    │   │   │   └── resolution_independent
    │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │           └── vertlevs_G3
    │   │   ├── land
    │   │   │   ├── biogeochemistry
    │   │   │   │   └── resolution_independent
    │   │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │   │           ├── modis_phenology_csiro.txt
    │   │   │   │           └── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv
    │   │   │   ├── biogeophysics
    │   │   │   │   └── resolution_independent
    │   │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │   │           ├── def_soil_params.txt
    │   │   │   │           └── def_veg_params.txt
    │   │   │   ├── soiltype
    │   │   │   │   └── global.N96
    │   │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │   │           └── qrparm.soil_igbp_vg
    │   │   │   └── vegetation
    │   │   │       └── global.N96
    │   │   │           └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │               └── cable_vegfunc_N96.anc
    │   │   ├── spectral
    │   │   │   └── resolution_independent
    │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │           ├── spec3a_lw_hadgem1_6on
    │   │   │           └── spec3a_sw_hadgem1_6on
    │   │   └── stash
    │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │           ├── stasets
    │   │           └── STASHmaster
    │   ├── coupler
    │   │   ├── grids
    │   │   │   └── global.oi_1deg.a_N96
    │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │           ├──
    │   │   │           ├──
    │   │   │           └──
    │   │   └── remapping_weights
    │   │       └── global.oi_1deg.a_N96
    │   │           └── 2020.05.19
    │   │               ├──
    │   │               ├──
    │   │               ├──
    │   │               ├──
    │   │               ├──
    │   │               ├──
    │   │               └──
    │   ├── ice
    │   │   ├── climatology
    │   │   │   └── global.1deg
    │   │   │       └── 2020.05.19
    │   │   │           └──
    │   │   └── grids
    │   │       └── global.1deg
    │   │           └── 2020.05.19
    │   │               ├──
    │   │               └──
    │   └── ocean
    │       ├── biogeochemistry
    │       │   └── global.1deg
    │       │       └── 2020.05.19
    │       │           ├──
    │       │           ├──
    │       │           └──
    │       ├── grids
    │       │   └── mosaic
    │       │       └── global.1deg
    │       │           └── 2020.05.19
    │       │               └──
    │       ├── shortwave_penetration
    │       │   └── global.1deg
    │       │       └── 2020.05.19
    │       │           └──
    │       └── tides
    │           └── global.1deg
    │               └── 2020.05.19
    │                   ├──
    │                   └──
    └── unused
        ├── atmosphere
        │   ├── climatology
        │   │   └── global.N96
        │   │       └── 2020.05.19
        │   │           ├── qrclim.slt
        │   │           └── qrclim.smow
        │   └── land
        │       └── biogeochemistry
        │           └── resolution_independent
        │               └── 2020.05.19
        │                   ├── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles.csv
        │                   ├── pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_spinup.csv
        │                   └── poolcnpInTumbarumba.csv
        ├── coupler
        │   └── uncategorised
        │       └── 2020.05.19
        │           └── cf_name_table.txt
        ├── ice
        └── ocean
            ├── biogeochemistry
            │   └── global.1deg
            │       └── 2020.05.19
            │           ├──
            │           ├──
            │           ├──
            │           ├──
            │           ├──
            │           └──
            └── uncategorised
                └── global.1deg
                    └── 2020.05.19
aidanheerdegen commented 1 week ago

The one in vk83 is identical to the older one in /g/data/access/projects/access/data/ACCESS_CMIP5/CABLE-AUX-1.4/core/biogeochem/pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv, so it looks like the coe version must have changed at some point. Short simulations using each file look identical though, and so I'm guessing this data isn't used, as hinted above... If anyone with more knowledge about CABLE is able to confirm this, that would be great!

@ccarouge ?

ccarouge commented 6 days ago

@blimlim Can you define short simulations? CASA only runs daily. Only the pftlookup file that is listed in the cable.nml will be used in the simulation anyway.

blimlim commented 6 days ago

Ah good point! The above simulations were 2 months long, and the figure shows the difference in the second month's mean surface temperatures. The pftlookup_csiro_v16_17tiles_wtlnds.csv is the one currently listed in the pre-industrial cable.nml file, and so it would be good to know whether the differences between the coe version and vk83 versions are important.

ccarouge commented 6 days ago

@blimlim the differences seem to indicate the wtlnds version is using a normally empty PFT index to carry a PFT that describes wetlands (land folks seem to have an aversion to vowels). It is definitely significant. There is an ancillary that contains a map of PFTs for the globe (no idea of the name of that file for ESM1.5). If that file contains points with values of 12, then the values for the wetlands are used and picking up the correct values would definitely make a big difference over wetlands.

blimlim commented 1 day ago

@MartinDix just checking whether DMS_conc.N96, biogenic_351sm.N96L38, and sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38 should be moved out of pre-industrial/atmosphere and into shared-modern/atmosphere? It looks like the historical configuration is pointed to them too, e.g. ihist for the historical configuration contains:

 DMSCONC = 'DMSCONC : $ANCIL_ATMOS/DMS_conc.N96                                             ',
 ARCLBIOG        = 'ARCLBIOG : $ANCIL_ATMOS/biogenic_351sm.N96L38                                   ',
 CHEMOXID        = 'CHEMOXID : $ANCIL_ATMOS/sulpc_oxidants_N96_L38                                  ',