ACCESS-NRI / access-nri-intake-catalog

Tools and configuration info used to manage ACCESS-NRI's intake catalogue
Apache License 2.0
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Intake Take2 #153

Open dougiesquire opened 4 months ago

dougiesquire commented 4 months ago

Intake Take2 is currently under development. It is a complete rewrite of Intake that aims "to be largely backward compatible with pre-V2 Intake sources and catalogs." However, Intake-ESM, which the access-nri-intake-catalog is built on, is a somewhat unusual application of Intake. At this point, it's not clear that there will be backwards compatibility for our application. This said, some of the new features promised by Intake Take2 may allow for a newer and better Intake-ESM, but this will obviously be a lot of work.

Strategy for now is to pin to Intake v1 and keep an eye on Intake Take2 progression/developments.