Closed rbeucher closed 3 weeks ago
One of the datasets contained within ERA5 is hourly averaged, monthly datasets, eg.
>>> import os
>>> import xarray as xr
>>> PATH = '/g/data/rt52/era5/single-levels/monthly-averaged-by-hour/2t/2000'
>>> os.listdir(PATH)
>>> xr.open_mfdataset(f"{PATH}/*.nc").time
I'm not sure whether we would want to mark this down as monthly or hourly - can see arguments for both.
EDIT: Just realised the original example was completely ambiguous & updated it to be clearer.
@rbeucher does this look sensible for metadata.yaml
to you?
name: era5-rt52
experiment_uuid: 081d3a94-057c-4ad6-b651-703b3ecd1a5f
description: ERA5 fifth generation model reanalysis of global climate from ECMWF
long_description: >-
ERA5 is the fifth generation model reanalysis of the global climate from the European
Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). ERA5.1 is a re-run of ERA5,
for the years 2000 to 2006 only, and was produced to improve upon the cold bias
in the lower stratosphere seen in ERA5 during this period. This dataset includes
the hourly data on pressure levels and has been replicated through the ECMWF
data archive (MARS). Full details of the model and outputs can be found in
the ECMWF ERA5 Data Documentation.
- era5
- 1mon
- 1day
- 1hr
- 100u
- 100v
- 10si
- 10u
- 10v
- 2d
- 2t
- alnid
- alnip
- aluvd
- aluvp
- anor
- asn
- bfi
- bld
- blh
- cape
- cbh
- cdir
- cdww
- chnk
- ci
- cin
- cl
- cp
- crr
- csf
- csfr
- cvh
- cvl
- dctb
- deg0l
- dl
- dndza
- dndzn
- dwi
- dwps
- dwww
- e
- es
- ewss
- fal
- fdir
- flsr
- fsr
- gwd
- hcc
- hmax
- i10fg
- ie
- iews
- ilspf
- inss
- ishf
- isor
- istl1
- istl2
- istl3
- istl4
- kx
- lai-hv
- lai-lv
- lblt
- lcc
- lgws
- licd
- lict
- lmld
- lmlt
- lsf
- lshf
- lsm
- lsp
- lspf
- lsrr
- lssfr
- ltlt
- magss
- mbld
- mcc
- mcpr
- mcsr
- mdts
- mdww
- megwss
- mer
- metss
- mgwd
- mgws
- mlspf
- mlspr
- mlssr
- mmtss
- mngwss
- mntss
- mp1
- mp2
- mper
- mpts
- mpww
- mror
- msdrswrf
- msdrswrfcs
- msdwlwrf
- msdwlwrfcs
- msdwswrf
- msdwswrfcs
- msdwuvrf
- mser
- msl
- mslhf
- msmr
- msnlwrf
- msnlwrfcs
- msnswrf
- msnswrfcs
- msqs
- msr
- msror
- msshf
- mssror
- mtdwswrf
- mtnlwrf
- mtnlwrfcs
- mtnswrf
- mtnswrfcs
- mtpr
- mvimd
- mwd
- mwd1
- mwd2
- mwd3
- mwp
- mwp1
- mwp2
- mwp3
- nsss
- p1ps
- p1ww
- p2ps
- p2ww
- pev
- phiaw
- phioc
- pp1d
- ptype
- rhoao
- ro
- rsn
- sd
- sdfor
- sdor
- sf
- shts
- shww
- skt
- slhf
- slor
- slt
- smlt
- sp
- src
- sro
- sshf
- ssr
- ssrc
- ssrd
- ssrdc
- ssro
- sst
- stl1
- stl2
- stl3
- stl4
- str
- strc
- strd
- strdc
- swh
- swh1
- swh2
- swh3
- swvl1
- swvl2
- swvl3
- swvl4
- tauoc
- tcc
- tciw
- tclw
- tco3
- tcrw
- tcslw
- tcsw
- tcw
- tcwv
- tisr
- tmax
- totalx
- tp
- tplb
- tplt
- tsn
- tsr
- tsrc
- ttr
- ttrc
- tvh
- tvl
- u10n
- ust
- uvb
- v10n
- viec
- vigd
- vige
- vign
- viiwd
- viiwe
- viiwn
- vike
- viked
- vikee
- viken
- vilwd
- vilwe
- vilwn
- vima
- vimad
- vimae
- viman
- vimat
- vimd
- viozd
- vioze
- viozn
- vipie
- vipile
- vit
- vithe
- vithed
- vithee
- vithen
- vitoe
- vitoed
- vitoee
- vitoen
- viwvd
- viwve
- viwvn
- vst
- wdw
- wind
- wmb
- wsk
- wsp
- wss
- wstar
- z
- zust
- 31km
- 63km
- 0.36˚
- 1˚
contact: NCI
created: 2020-08-28
notes: >-
This dataset contains hourly and monthly averaged data, as well as monthly
data averaged by hour (eg January Mean, 00:00-01:00) and monthly data averaged by day
(same format, different name convention, eg. January Mean, 00:00-01:00). era5-derived
contains daily data.
If so I'll upload to Gadi & drop in the PR.
Yes that looks good. Give it a try and let me know.
Closed by #225
Description of the data product
ERA5 Replicated Datasets
ERA5 is the fifth generation model reanalysis of the global climate from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Data at NCI is replicated through the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) and hosted for use by the Australian research community.
This collection consists of monthly and sub-daily products from 1959 to the present time (approx. 3 months in arrears), including the ERA5.1 re-run for years 2000-2006. Access and location details of these products can be found in the linked catalogue entries under the Associated Records section below or on the NCI ERA5 Community site.
Full details of the model and outputs can be found in the ECMWF ERA5 Data Documentation.
Location of the data product on Gadi
Add a "x" between the brackets to all that apply
License to use Copernicus products